Punishing Our Gender Critical Nurses.

I finished an earlier post with the following:

Of course, for my Christian Brothers and Sisters, we must fight the way Jesus fought. Silencing, deplatforming, cancelling, shouting down our ideological opponents is not Christian. We must listen to what they have to say. And then speak the Truth as we understand it. Unfortunately, the more I study this issue and the forces in play, I’m led to the conclusion that the Gender Ideologues are not terribly interested in dialogue or viewpoint diversity. For them, this is a massive Power Play.

Canadian Nurse Amy Hamm is a case in point. Nurse Hamm is being investigated and charged with professional misconduct for disagreeing with Gender Ideology. Her lawyers rightly claim:

….professional misconduct must not be permitted to be redefined to include speaking unpopular truths, and that to do so is to undermine the very foundations of a free and democratic society. 

Read the whole thing…and ask yourself: is this the world we want to live in?

LINK DISCLAIMER footnote:1 Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.