Yosemite Day 1

Where is Smokey the Bear when you need him? I guess since they legalized some things in California the contact high has him a little off his surveillance game.

I posted about the beginning of our California trip previously. Last September we were “Just Walkin Around” at the Golden Gate Bridge.

And here is our first day at Yosemite. We did a smokey tour of the iconic valley. You can barely make out Half Dome at the end of this video. Drought conditions led to fires throughout the area.

But it was still great. More to come from day two of our trip. And a lot less smoke.

Also, I’ve mixed in a few photos of a 2015 trip I took there with Susan. It was her first time at Yosemite. And she loved it.

Yosemite, May 2015 & Sept 2021

At one point in the video you will see some hang gliders. They said it takes about 10 ‘weather assisted’ minutes to make it down to the valley floor. Nice.

Christian “Hate Crimes?”

Upcoming posts will discuss the current move in Europe and beyond to criminalize a form of Christian Therapy that Evangelical Christians have employed.

But first this unseemly development on the Religious Freedom front.

A Finnish prosecutor has charged two Christians with hate crimes for publicly expressing their Christian beliefs about sex and marriage. One member of parliament and a bishop of the Lutheran church found themselves in a Finnish hate crime crosshair. A government minister (MP) recently raised hate crime suspicions by tweeting a negative opinion of her Church’s leadership because of their intent to sponsor a Pride Parade.

For that expression of her deeply held beliefs (that many Christians may oppose) and some previous statements by her from years ago, she has been charged with a hate crime.

Hard to believe. But here are the details. By the way, the interviewer in the video below says he is baffled by this even though he is a gay Catholic. You should be too.


Again, many Christians may disagree with the MP and the Lutheran Bishop but surely we can agree that this shouldn’t be a prosecutable offense.

Is this the world we want to live in?

You can find more information about this story here. (The usual link disclaimer applies. 1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.)