Horrendous Sex Education Investigation

Horrendous’ sex education lessons to be investigated by UK children’s commissioner

Reports of nine-year-old taught about rape ‘in detail’

Rachel de Souza, the children's commissioner, said she would be looking into the teaching of sex education
Rachel de Souza, the children’s commissioner, said she would be looking into the teaching of sex education

Tuesday July 05 2022, 3.30pm BST, The Times

The children’s commissioner has told of her shock on learning about the “horrendous” examples of sex education materials used in schools.

Dame Rachel de Souza told the commons education committee that she would be looking into the teaching of relationships and sex education (RSE).

It came after the Tory MP Miriam Cates, who sits on the committee, said constituents had written to her raising concerns about a nine-year-old taught “in detail” about rape.

She previously detailed examples of children shown dice with body parts written on them, to prompt them to suggest different sex positions, and children taught about rough sex, spanking and choking.

“Thoughtful and age-appropriate” materials were “absolutely critical”, De Souza said, and she had particularly looked at this where it concerned the….

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Can we be confident this is not happening in U.S. schools?

Some state legislators are crafting “age appropriate” laws to make sure this is not happening here. Parents need to stay engaged.

Previous post where MP Miriam Cates details…
