Independent Council On Women’s Sport

Dr. Devin Jane Buckley (Ph.D. Duke) has written a superb article about the recently held, but largely uncovered ICONS conference defending women’s sport.

Speakers included Martina Navratilova and Olympic champions Inga Thompson, Benita Mosley, Donna De Varona, and Sue Walsh.

Under the Biden administration, Title IX, which originally barred sex-based discrimination only, has been gradually changing to include provisions against discrimination on the basis of gender identity.

One of the co-founders, former athlete Kim Jones, is also a mother of a daughter who swims in the Ivy League. She witnessed “emotional blackmail and abuse” firsthand when the NCAA allowed trans-woman Lia Thomas to compete in the female division.

Lia Thomas (left) National Champion, Women’s 500 Freestyle
“I watched the Ivy League request the girls to be quiet. I watched them tell the girls to place their thoughts and feelings below those of males. I watched the intimidation and coercion in mandatory meetings and at announcements at every single dual meet and championship meet. I have kept and read the emails suggesting counseling to make yourself okay with shared locker rooms with males.”  -  Kim Jones

Dr Buckley’s piece covers what Athletes, Scientists, Lawyers and Advocates have to say about our current crisis in Women’s Sport.

Despite the astonishing list of names and organizations involved in the conference, media coverage has been minimal.

A few days after ICONS, on July 15th, The University of Pennsylvania nominated swimmer Lia Thomas for the NCAA “Woman of the Year” award.

Nonetheless, dissent is growing. In the United States, 18 states have passed some version of a Save Women’s Sports Act. World RugbyInternational Cycling Union, and the International Swimming Federation have banned males from the women’s category.

Read the whole thing.


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion