Two Detransitioners Address Scottish Parliament

The Scottish Parliament is currently discussing the passage of an updated Gender Recognition Certificate. This would allow people as young as 16-17 years of age to simply self-identify as any gender they prefer and secure a GRC, thus changing legal status.

In the past you had to undergo an extended period of time (2 years) and gender reassignment treatments before legal recognition of your new gender status was obtained.

But today,Self-Id is all the rage. Scotland is close to passing this Self-ID standard into law. This has disturbing implications for Female Spaces and Health Care.

Two brave Detransitioners, Sinead Watson and Ritchie Herron have been brought in by opponents of the law change to provide their unique perspective to parliament.

Ms Watson said: “The voices of detransitioners have not been heard either by the Scottish Government in developing its proposals, or by MSPs who are considering this draft legislation.

“I am particularly concerned about the plan to allow children aged 16 and 17 to get a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC).

“When I presented myself to a gender identity clinic, I felt so certain that medical transition was the only solution for me, but now I wish that greater care had been taken to consider all my underlying issues.

“I believe that affirming children in their identity is dangerous and could lead them to make decisions about their bodies that they later regret, as I have.”

Mr Herron said: “There has been a lot of publicity about the huge increase in numbers of young girls identifying as transgender and it is good that NHS England has commissioned the Cass Review to look at this.

“However, I am keen to tell MSPs about the experiences of young men who identify as transgender and later regret it.

“I am particularly concerned about estimates that the number of trans-identified young men having gender reassignment surgery may soon outstrip the number of trans-identified young women having double mastectomies.

“I was diagnosed with transsexualism after two short appointments and underwent medical and surgical interventions, which have left me with life-long side effects.

“When I presented at a clinic, I was in a very vulnerable state and feel that this was overlooked.”

Source: Glasgow Times

We are failing our young people.


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