A Good Start: Pornhub’s Day Of Reckoning

You wonder why so many adolescent girls are tossing their “girl card”? This might be reason numero uno!

Now if we can just stop gender activists from giving them the crazy idea that they can magically become boys instead.


Parents, take control of the devices you paid for and gave to your young children!

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A bad day for Pornhub is a great day for humankind.

Entitled Men In Stilettos

Lay aside what you may think about beauty pageants, and stand up for real women.


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In a comic twist, the American feminist organisation Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) has been at the forefront of protecting the rights of females to become beauty queens. Last month, the radical women’s group won a legal battle alongside Miss America USA (MUSA). A would-be contestant – a male who identified as trans – brought legal action against MUSA, after his application was rejected on the grounds that he is not a ‘natural-born female’.

As WoLF’s chair, Lierre Keith, tells me: ‘You can roll your eyes about it being a beauty pageant, but the principle is the same whether it’s a pageant, a homeless shelter, a hospital ward or a prison. Women are saying no to men, as we have a right to.’ This is about ‘men claiming to be women and claiming a right to our spaces’, she says. The idea that womanhood is a costume that can be stepped into by men is the very essence of dick-swinging entitlement.

[Standard link disclaimer1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.]


Justice For Real Women