This INSANE Moment In Western Time

It’s a long “calmversation” but you should at least listen to the first fifteen minutes. They are indispensable toward understanding the cultural decay at this moment in Western Time. Eliza describes the session on Eunuchs at last years WPATH conference in Montreal where they unveiled “Standards of Care” version 8. (Eunuchs are IN. Trans-racialism is still OUT.)

At 13:21 of the interview, Benjamin summarizes our gender identity moment as he comments on the logic behind understanding EUNUCH’s as a “gender identity” which the most recent WPATH Standards of Care encourages. (For the uninitiated, Eunuchs are castrated males – males without balls.)

BB: If you do understand it (being a EUNUCH) as a gender identity, then what a gender identity becomes is something that is imposed on nature. It is a synthetic man-made thing. So it couches gender identity as a social construct that is inscribed upon the body.


We become our own Creators. As individuals. Or groups. B. I. N. G. O. Tell em what they win Bob! “Alienation, blueridgemountain_man. alienation!” First, from God their Creator. But also their very natures.


Inside Gender Medicine

Is this the world we want to live in?


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion