Chloe, “The Canary in the Coal Mine”

Chloe Cole (Fox News Digital)

Chloe Cole was put on puberty blockers and testosterone at 13; she underwent a double mastectomy at 15.

"I wasn't really allowed any time to just be and to just be observed alone without intervention. I mean, it was only about half a year between being diagnosed with gender dysphoria and actually being medicated. So the process for me was very expedited and there weren't really any pushback from any medical professionals," she told Fox News. 

Cole began to question her identity at the age of 12. Her parents were advised by medical professionals that she would commit suicide if she wasn't "affirmed" with medical intervention.

"My distraught parents wanted me alive, so they listened to my doctors," Cole previously said at a hearing. 

"Because of the testosterone, I have permanent changes to my bone structure that cannot be reversed. And I have issues with my urinary tract, but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to conceive a child or be able to safely carry to term or to birth. And because of the mastectomy, I'll never be able to breastfeed," she said. "Transitioning… affects every area of your life… [including] your ability to conceive children in the first place, and a lot of people don't know whether they want to have children until they're in their thirties or forties or even beyond that."

In August, Cole testified on California's State Senate Judiciary Committee against a bill that would make the state a "sanctuary" for gender surgeries.  

"Who here really believes that, as a 15-year-old, I should have had my healthy breasts removed or that it should’ve been an option?" she said. "How many more children’s bodies will be destroyed before you actually listen? What is the sweet spot? 100? 200? 1000?"

"SB107 will open the flood gates for confused children like me to get the gender interventions that many regret. I am the canary in the coal mine." 

Source:  Fox News

Cole is working with Do No Harm to get the word out and encourage medical professionals to stand by their Hippocratic oath.

Please read the rest of her story.
