Transgender Lutheran Pastor Compares Nashville Shooter To Jesus Crucified

A sermon delivered this Palm Sunday by the Transgender Pastor of St. Marks Lutheran Church in Fargo, North Dakota compares Nashville shooter to Jesus crucified.


Churches with leaders like this appear destined to become empty houses of worship.

I Refuse To Affirm
The Tortured Analogies of That Sermon!

“Some folks have tried to focus on eradicating trans people as a solution, because they have been waiting, just waiting for an opportunity such as this. They’ve been waiting for a reason, any reason to stoke their hatred,” Pastor Micah Louwagie said.

“Marginalized folks, those of us with the least amount of privilege and power, they need those who have more privilege and power than they do to physically place their bodies between them and the people, powers and institutions that are literally killing them,” Louwagie urges.

“Those leaders were looking for any excuse, valid or not, to crucify Jesus and they found that reason…It’s baffling to me that someone’s existence can be so threatening, that people decide they need to be controlled, that they need laws made against them, or even worse, that the people that they find so threatening should die,” Louwagie remarked.

It is not hatred to disagree with someone’s fiction about who they are.

We don’t want to eradicate the existence of any human. We just want them to be delivered from a harmful fantasy. For their sake and for the sake of our Civilization, AND the cause of Christ our Creator1He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities–all things were created through him and for him. (Col 1:15-16 ESV)

It is impossible that anyone born with a healthy body has also been born in the wrong body. Both Orthodox Christians and rational non-Christians the world over refuse to believe that fiction.

And we cannot be bullied into saying otherwise. We affirm Jesus’s view on the matter.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

This is yet another example of Radical Ideology capturing our institutions. In this case, the Lutheran Church of North Dakota and beyond…..

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