The Culture of “Crybullying”: Using Claims of Victimhood to Harass Others

Helen Joyce has “penned” a vigorous reply to our “traumatized” culture.

In their 2018 book The Rise of Victimhood Culture, sociologists Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning describe how honour and dignity cultures are giving way to a moral code which elevates the oppressed. Call-outs and cancellations, they explain, are status-raising tactics, in which people claim to have been harmed by problematic views and to have suffered micro-aggressions in order to don the mantle of victimhood.

The spread of victimhood culture has helped popularise novel gender identities (non-binary, agender) and sexual orientations (aroace, pansexual) since they allow people to claim membership of oppressed groups without experiencing any actual hardship. It is also driving the self-diagnosis of mental illnesses, from quotidian conditions such as anxiety and depression, to boutique ones such as multiple-personality disorder or a novel form of Tourette’s transmitted by TikTok. 

More generally, this is a culture that encourages young people to regard themselves as traumatised. According to Jonathan Haidt, co-author of The Coddling of the American Mind, US schools and universities have started to promote three pernicious falsehoods: that what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker; that feelings are a good guide to reality and action; and that life is a battle between good people and evil ones.

These dysfunctional beliefs, which Haidt dubs “anti-cognitive behavioural therapy”, promote mental fragility. They encourage people to feel fearful of ordinary words and to regard censorship as virtuous. The logic goes like this: being dis-agreed with makes you a victim; victims are good; people saying things you disagree with therefore deserve to be silenced and punished. This is the culture of “crybullying”: using claims of victimhood to harass others.

Why do we give veto power to the weakest, most immature members of society? Why are they allowed to control what can and cannot be discussed? Or which words may and may not be spoken? What if they are not merely weak, or immature, but delusional?

When it comes to Gender Ideology we must love without submitting to bullying blackmail. And the denial of reality.

Adults. Resist. Lovingly. But resist. With integrity.

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Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion

Subversive Behavior Double Standards

The following is satire. Didn’t actually happen. But it makes an important point. Somehow discussions about sexuality get a “we won’t tell your parents” pass.

Would this?

No one argues for subverting parental prerogatives when it comes to religious instruction. Any teacher who did this would be fired. But sexuality subversion gets a school pass.


Parents, They Are Your Children

Parents Kept In The Dark

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, NC.

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Parents, They Are Your Children