“Woman” Cancelled

CLK above is replying to Bette Midler, who recently got in trouble for stating the obvious: “I thought you stood up for LGBT+ people” CLK tweeted.

To which the obvious reply would be that, well of course we want confused people who think they are born in the wrong body to have civil rights etc…but it doesn’t mean we don’t believe they are greatly confused.

That’s something we should be allowed to say in public.

We can believe both that people are confused AND that the cancelling of “woman” for the sake of “inclusion” is devastatingly beyond the pale.

Why is this not happening to “men”? Hmmm? As the graph above indicates. If you are a woman you are a “vulva owner.” If you are a man? Still a man?

Or will that term eventually be cast into the “dustbin of history” too?


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion.