Embodiment & God’s Image

Price Lake, Blue Ridge Parkway
What are you reflecting today?

The body is the corporeal manifestation of the incorporeal reality, the earthly pattern of God’s image.

If we understand the “image” to mean that humans are representatives of God, a mirror image of God, instead of meaning that humans possess particular attributes like intellect, free will, etc, then an imager of God means you are an angled mirror reflecting God and God’s wise rule to the world, and also the praises of creation back to God.

When the Scriptures say believers are a ‘royal priesthood’ it means humans were destined by God to ‘rule’ over the Earth (the royal part) and then sum up the praises of creation as a gracious offering back to our Creator (the priesthood part).

See how that works?

But if for example you hold the view that being an imager of God has to do with attributes, then you might think that our ultimate destiny is to become a spirit, since God is a Spirit.

(What about the Incarnation?)

The scriptures say we humans, body and soul, were created in the image of God. This presents a problem to those who say the ‘image’ primarily refers to attributes instead of representation. So, I conclude…

Our ultimate destiny is to become God directed HUMAN’s, body and soul. Not spirits.

There is of course more to be said.

Please read the following post to get more details about the ultimate destiny of God’s human family, and why the ‘spirit of this age’ must be rejected by the Church.


A deeper dive.


Celebrate God’s Good Creation

For What Are We Preparing?

When the concept of choice is overly glorified, it can transform into a version of freedom that’s more about self-indulgence. In the Bible, freedom is described as an escape from the controlling & corrupting influence of sin (John 8:34–36)

In a political context, freedom usually refers to the assurance that the government won’t infringe on our inherent, that is to say, God-given rights. However, some people interpret freedom as the unrestricted ability to do whatever one desires.

This skewed interpretation often surfaces in arguments favoring the legalization of activities such as prostitution or drugs, invariably cloaked in the guise of ‘freedom of choice.’  Thus reducing freedom to mere individualistic impulse, devoid of communal responsibility to our fellow humans and God.

And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” 27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” 28 And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.” 

Lk 10:25-28 English Standard Version


Beacon Heights – Morning Prayer

For the last umpteen years I’ve attended Church where personal confession comes early in the service. Then later the ‘Our Father’ is recited.

That gets it just right.

We all fall short of our own expectations, much less God’s. But always remember, our God is a Loving Father who desires mature, flourishing human beings.

C.S. Lewis once quoted a favorite writer, George MacDonald, who wrote this about our Heavenly Father:

Easy to Please and Hard to Satisfy

That no keeping but a perfect one will satisfy God, I hold with all my heart and strength; but that there is none else He cares for, is one of the lies of the enemy. What father is not pleased with the first tottering attempt of his little one to walk? What father would be satisfied with anything but the manly step of the full-grown son?

That gets it just right!

30 Day Morning Prayer Challenge.

Would you join me in a 30 day morning prayer?

Find a quiet place each morning. A candle helps. I have such a place. I’m fortunate to have the sun rise directly behind my house and beyond two sliding glass doors. It’s your typical Mountain View home, which conveniently forms a Cross.

Here is a picture.

(The electrician was not particular about light-switch placement! But most importantly, the cross is centered & central.)

Morning Prayer

I have there a few ‘heirlooms’. Two sock puppets “Chemo-Socky” & “Chemo-Snoopy” that Susan took to every treatment session. A few items from her Funeral Mass, most notably, a Crucifix. Also her rosary.

I call it my “Susie-Shrine”.

You may not have a place quite like this. But you have a place. Go there for the next 30 days, each morning, before the house begins to bustle. And run the video below: Beacon Heights – Morning Prayer – Sunrise Service.


First kneel.

As the music plays and the sun rises slowly in the distance, thank God for light, & warmth & created beauty. About 30 seconds into the video we’ll confess by reciting ‘The Jesus Prayer.’ It’s a short prayer our family members from The Orthodox Church often use.


After another 30 seconds we begin the ‘Our Father.’

Recite with me.

Again, give thanks. And, perhaps, make quick intercessory prayer for a few of those you love. Of course, feel free to pray for other things as well.

Then start your day.


Beacon Heights – Morning Prayer – Sunrise Service


It takes 60-90 days to form a ‘second-nature habit.’ Maybe, by God’s grace, even sooner.

God’s blessings as we pray together.

(Please let me know your progress. email: blog@blueridgemountain.life)

Companion Post

Check out the other Beacon Heights videos.


Inner Freedom Through Christian Prayer