Taibbi Confesses Fear of Cancel Culture

This is a follow up to my last post about journalist Matt Taibbi’s interview with Kara Dansky.

Taibbi, a self-described liberal, confesses the following in another Substack piece released the same day as the Dansky interview:

Several months ago I interviewed a feminist writer named Kara Dansky as part of the “Meet the Censored” series. The piece was written and edited, but I kept putting off publication, telling myself each week the time wasn’t right. 

In truth I was afraid of dealing with blowback from trans activists. It was the first time I was scared away from a topic. I apologized to Kara this week and am running the interview concurrent with this review. The point being: if even a serial gobbler of negative attention like me is nervous about publishing someone else’s opinions on a subject — remember, just co-signing the infamous Harper’s letter with J.K. Rowling ended up costing Substack’s Matt Yglesias a spot at a company he co-founded, Vox — that means no one with even a theoretical link to left-liberal audiences will want to go near this topic voluntarily.

There is a real “cancel” culture out there suppressing viewpoints that don’t agree with Gender Ideology.

Is this the world we want to live in?

Taibbi’s piece is called:

“What is a Woman?” A Movie That Should Be Reviewed More, For One Thing

Matt Walsh pranks the pants off America’s silliest intellectuals, and the sad thing is, it wasn’t hard at all


My take on the movie here. If you haven’t seen that post, it’s very revealing. Check it out.

What Is A Woman Trailer


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


The Debate About Sex, Gender and Equality

Interview of Philosopher Kathleen Stock on the BBC’s “HARDtalk”. (23 minutes of your time.)

Stephen Sackur speaks to philosopher and author Kathleen Stock whose views on the immutability of biological sex and the limitations of gender self-identity have made her a hate figure for some transgender activists and supporters. Why has debate about sex, gender and identity become a culture war battleground?

Sex and identity are not the same thing.  And I honestly think, it's not just being rhetorical, most Transpeople know what sex they are.  Because sex is to do with chromosomes in the cells and the genitalia you were born with and the reproductive role that you have.  And you can artificially change those things but you haven't changed your basic state.

[18:32]. We need long term studies because you ask a child a year after they've started their journey whether they are happy, they may well be happy, but you know will they be happy at 25 will they be happy at 35?  Their prefrontal cortex hasn't fully grown in, you know.  So there are a lot of things still to happen that they may not be aware of, that they may not fully understand their own situation.

SS. (interviewer).   This is very personal to you.  You've been quite frank about your own journey.  You came out as gay, as lesbian, quite late in life after having been in a marriage and after having two children.  And you have since reflected on the fact that actually as a young person you did feel quite uncomfortable with the norms of femininity.

KS.  I think a lot of women do feel uncomfortable with the norms of femininity because they are so rigid and binary.  Probably men feel uncomfortable with norms of masculinity.

SS.  I'm wondering are you somebody who feels that if, as a young person, you had been offered the opportunity, the access to hormone treatments and other therapies, you might have taken them?

KS.  Well I might have done.  I'm sure I would have probably called myself non-binary, you know, if that had been available to me, I'm sure that would have resonated with me completely.

SS.  In a way do you see your life as a sort of message that actually it would have been wrong for you to receive treatment as an adolescent?  Can you be sure about that?

KS.  YES!  I mean you've got to be clear about what these drugs mean.  Like you know you are permanently rendered different.  You may be infertile.  I wouldn't have been able to have my children.  You know, asked at the age 12 do I want children?   I'm sure I would have said no.  I hadn't a clue of what I was talking about.  Why would children regret removing their breasts?  

This is a ridiculous kind of conversation because in every other domain it would be absolutely obvious that we wouldn't give these life changing medical alterations to children even if they said they wanted them because they don't fully understand the situation.  But in this particular area adults are cheering them on.  And that's a failure of adults.  It is not a failure of the children.  It is a failure of adults and the institutions that should be protecting these children.


Click on Image for full interview.

Kathleen Stock

One of the many books I’ve read on the subject in the last year. For the more philosophically inclined <grin>.

Other post about Philosopher Stock and her experience at the University of Sussex.


I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

If you would like more detail on how my Christian worldview informs my understanding of Sex and today’s Gender Ideology please read the following posts.

Love refuses to affirm confusion.


Transgender Clinic Whistleblower Speaks Out

Marcus Evans is a Psychoanalyst in private practice and formerly served as Consultant Psychotherapist and Associate Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent Service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for 20 years.

He came to see that the management of the Trust was politicized. He began to think “that the political tail was wagging the clinical dog.”

He supported Keira Bell and wrote about his thoughts on this important case. Well. For his efforts, Twitter locked his account. And Facebook shut him down.

Here’s a long form interview on YouTube with someone who saw what was happening on the inside of the UK Health System. And said something about it. Very informative about the history of the Trans phenomenon in the UK.

GIDS (Gender Identity Development Service)
Mermaids (UK Charity and advocacy organization that supports gender variant and transgender youth.)
