What’s In A Name?

From Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT), a suffering mother.

My sweet kid. It’s your 14th birthday but we can’t sing the song and watch you blow out the candles as we always have. We can’t even say your name—to utter the name I gave you—your given name—is forbidden.  It’s what you like to call your “dead name”. It’s one of the many lies you have been told.  

How did this happen?  Your life was once so full of joy.  

You loved to play soccer in the rain. I remember the last time I watched you on the muddy hill on the sidelines from my lawn chair. I didn’t know it would be the very last time. I was under my tiny umbrella, freezing cold. I can still see you running, with your face to the sky, laughing as the tears rained down from the clouds.  

You were so strong and confident—fast and proud. You felt so sure of yourself until your body betrayed you. Your breasts made you cripplingly self-conscious and some extra weight around your hips and thighs just slowed you down.  

You have somehow decided not only that it would be easier to be a boy but that you are a boy. Your own sister feeds into your delusion and encourages you.  I’m powerless to stop her.  

Source:  PITT

Read the rest of the story.


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion

Seriously Funny & Sadly Serious

“If we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay by 2054.”

“It’s okay to ask questions about something that is very new, and involves children! The answer can’t always be that anyone from a marginalized community is automatically right, trump card, mike drop, end of discussion. Because we are literally experimenting on children. Maybe that is why Sweden and Finland have stopped giving puberty blockers to kids. Because we just don’t know much about the long-term effect. Although common sense should tell you if you reverse the course of raging hormones, there are going to be problems….”

Worth a listen.

Dr. Rachel Levine is uninformed, or worse.

If you can only get one book on the subject. This is the one.

Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by [Abigail Shrier]

See this post for more details on Shrier and her book.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion


Transgender Clinic Whistleblower Speaks Out

Marcus Evans is a Psychoanalyst in private practice and formerly served as Consultant Psychotherapist and Associate Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent Service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for 20 years.

He came to see that the management of the Trust was politicized. He began to think “that the political tail was wagging the clinical dog.”

He supported Keira Bell and wrote about his thoughts on this important case. Well. For his efforts, Twitter locked his account. And Facebook shut him down.

Here’s a long form interview on YouTube with someone who saw what was happening on the inside of the UK Health System. And said something about it. Very informative about the history of the Trans phenomenon in the UK.

GIDS (Gender Identity Development Service)
Mermaids (UK Charity and advocacy organization that supports gender variant and transgender youth.)
