Destigmatize Pedophilia?

This one is a must see. From the Feminist News and Child Safeguarding site REDUXX we learn of a published paper in the American Psychological Association’s peer reviewed Journal of Stigma and Health. The findings of the study? Destigmatize pedophilia.

The paper is titled Journalism and Pedophilia: Background on the Media Coverage of a Stigmatized Minority.

untitled image

The researchers write that…

“society can and should create a social environment in which minor-attracted persons can accept their sexual interest without fear of disadvantages.”

Because those “sexual interests” are immutable, so we are told, the best course of action will accept pedophilia as a “sexual preference” and call pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” This will avoid unjustified “negative [and] punitive attitudes.”

If not, those negative social attitudes will add…

“to the development of a sexual preference disorder (which is a sexual preference for children accompanied by psychological distress and/or risk for direct and indirect sexual behavior against children) and increases their risk of becoming offenders.

Which is to say pedophiles, sorry, minor-attracted persons, may become child sex abusers if society continues to stigmatize their sexual preference.

Got it?

How about we try this instead.

For non-offending pedophiles who are interested in being healed instead of being accepted we point them toward a long series of therapy sessions with both a trained therapist and a Rabbi, Priest, or Pastor who will lovingly, prayerfully, assist them in changing their unconscionable sexual preference for little boys or little girls.

Some might call this “conversion therapy.” I call it loving your neighbors. Old and young.

As a culture, if we think biology is irrelevant, in this case puberty, and that only internal desires matter, then how can we say these academics are wrong?

Today’s stigma-free ethic toward gender-fluidity affirms a child’s desire to “transition” at decreasingly younger ages. So as to become their “authentic self” sooner. A self free from the ”dictates” of biology. And the unwanted changes of puberty. (Pharmaceutical puberty blockers to the rescue!) Many top flight professionals in a variety of disciplines coach us to acknowledge and promote those “authenticating” body-denying desires.

For now, we still draw the ethical line at pedophilia. For now.

I know that the vast majority of those who promote our current cultural crisis would never imagine crossing the ethical line just mentioned. But, for me, their body-denying logic leads in that direction.

Is this the world we want to live in? We better come up with some answers quick. Things are moving swiftly.

I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

Always Erin

“No Child Is Born in the Wrong Body” is the subtitle of Erin Brewer’s book Always Erin. Here’s the back cover bio:

When Erin was a very little girl, two men hurt her.  She thought that she got hurt because she was a girl, and if she became a boy, she would never be hurt like that again.  But with the help of some wise and supportive adults, Erin learned that hurts can happen to anyone.  She learned how to love herself as a girl again, and to know that no matter what, she was Always Erin.

Erin Brewer, PhD., is co-founder of Partners for Ethical Care and the Compassion Coalition, and is dedicated to helping people understand the underlying issues of gender dysphoria.

(Paid link)


Erin describes her traumatic experience.

Erin Explains Her Gender Dysphoria


Here is an informative interview of Erin. She discusses her history and her current mission in life.

30 Minute Interview with Erin Brewer

A key moment in the interview:

(7:31] The thing is when I was working with therapists, they didn’t encourage me to disassociate (from my body).  They encouraged me to INTEGRATE.  They encouraged me to accept who I am.  And they saw that disassociation as a disease, a disorder, because it wasn’t functional.  It wasn’t helping me to be more successful and productive and accepting of myself.

Many of today’s therapists are fast tracking our kids, especially our girls, toward medicalizing their identity with body altering drugs and surgeries. You can read about it here, here, here, and here. Some states and Western nations have even outlawed the kind of Talk Therapy that helped Erin. Labeling it “conversion therapy.” [George Orwell Call Your Office!]

I encourage you to do what I’ve done. I’ve purchased a copy of her children’s book, Always Erin, and I’ve donated the book to a local library. There is another side to the story being told by Trans-Activists and Gender Ideologues. Erin’s side of the story needs to be included in our schools and public libraries too.

Pick up a copy and deliver it to those who need it. Maybe someone in your own family. (Paid link below)


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.” Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Podcast Persuasion

Here’s an excellent podcast hosted by Bari Weiss. She interviews Abigail Shrier. Many important questions and answers. Shrier covers the thesis of her book, her recent article that I blogged about yesterday, how schools are keeping student secrets from parents. She talks about online porn (our boys are hurting!). Institutional Capture. And encourages us to speak up about our medicalized identity crisis.

We are experimenting on our kids, especially our girls.

So many bases are covered. Highly recommended! Passionate and persuasive. Listen on your way to work. Or while you are out walking the dog, running, riding etc…share with your friends.

Podcast Link

Bella is listening right now!


If you’ve just found my blog and are intrigued about this issue, and want to learn more, I highly recommend a book by Abigail Shrier.

Shrier is a graduate of Columbia College who went on to earn a bachelor of philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.  Her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters was named a “best book” by The Economist and The Times of London. [2020, 2021]

[Full disclosure. I recently became an Amazon Affiliate. So I will receive a very small percentage of the sale of any books I recommend on my blog. Just so you know.]


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm” those with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria). Please read this post for more details.