Morphological Freedom?

There are deep, dark, & disturbing metaphysical assumptions at work here. Transhumanist rhetoric from ”Summerspeaker” below.

A correct Christian Anthropology of the Human Person

  1. Our identities as male and female are part of God’s good design in Creation.
  2. Our bodies and sexual identities are gifts from God and must be accepted and cared for as they were created.
  3. Sex is not assigned but given by God as mediated through our parents.
  4. The human person is a unity of soul and body.


Choose God’s Good Creation

Feminist vs. The Sexual Revolution

File:Sexual Revolution Buttons
“Sexual Revolution Buttons” by Jlbrandtis licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Here is the description of a fine BBC Radio interview with feminist Louise Perry.

Helen Lewis returns with a new series of encounters with innovative thinkers. In this episode, she meets Louise Perry, author of The Case Against the Sexual Revolution. 

The liberalisations of the 1960s brought significant new freedom to women's lives. But Perry argues that this has now combined with the more recent impact of online pornography, which is both ubiquitous and frequently violent. The result, she suggests, has been toxic, particularly for young women. 

In a forthright exchange, Perry sets out why she thinks an over-emphasis on the virtues of freedom has stymied feminist thinking on this. And why, from the advice given by women's magazines, through the legal responsibilities of online platforms, to the expectations society places on young men - there now needs to be radical change.

You may not agree with everything you hear, but this 30 minute interview frames our current ANTI-BODY crisis exceptionally well.

The Spark w/ Helen Lewis (Episode – Louise Perry v The Sexual Revolution)
