She just offered important testimony to a legislative committee in California in an effort to stop SB107.
“Our Trans-identities were not questioned.”
Chloe Cole
Chloe Cole, @puddingpandan, a 17-year-old detransitioner, spoke out today against Scott Wiener's California bill SB107, which would allow parents from other states to bring their children to California for "puberty blockers" and surgeries.
The numbers, and those willing to go public, are growing.
Courtesy of Chloe Cole
“I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.”
When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old.
Now 17, Chloe is one of a growing cohort called “detransitioners” — those who seek to reverse a gender transition, often after realizing they actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical consequences of a decision they made as minors.
.....when she joined Instagram at 11. “I started being exposed to a lot of LGBT content and activism,” she said. “I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support, and the amount of praise they were getting really spoke to me because, at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of friends of my own.”
“I can’t stay quiet,” said Chloe. “I need to do something about this and to share my own cautionary tale.”
Detransitioner TullipR points out that the Reddit online community of Detransitioners now sits at 32.2k and growing rapidly. I suspect this is just the beginning.
What are we doing to our young people?
Sexual lobotmisation.
When the world realises whats happened to us, there will be no more parades, i can assure you.
TullipR (Ritchie) has been highlighted in previous posts. Here is an extended Twitter thread explaining the consequences of his Transgendersurgery. Ritchie is a 35 year old UK detransitioned man who medically transitioned at age 26 and has been on hormone replacement therapy since.
I have no sensation in my crotch region at all.
You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn't know. The entire area is numb, like it's shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, even 4 years on.
Maybe the secret is to fix the brain. Not the body.
As a Christian who believes in the doctrine of Creation, Incarnation, Bodily Resurrection, Bodily Ascension, and future bodily resurrection for believers, I could never agree with Gender Ideologues nor the bodily harm they recommend to confused people like Ritchie.
For more information on the science behind Transgenderism and Gender Ideology. Read these posts.