Willow – The Affirmation Fallacy

Willow is a DeTransitioner whose ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria) started at the age of 16 after she spent a lot of time on the social media site Tumblr and self-diagnosed herself as Transgender.

Here’s an interview of Willow by Erin Brewer from her YouTube channel. Willow grew up in a family where women were disrespected by her father which facilitated internalized misogyny.

Also of interest is her discussion about the hormonal difference between Testosterone and Estrogen. Breaking News! Men and women are wonderfully different.

Around the 32 minute mark she brings up her Gay Porn obsession. Because of her dysfunctional upbringing she began to think male/male relationships were superior relationships. [Please see my post “The Gender Dysphoria – Porn Connection” for additional details about this very real problem.]

“I wish my therapist had challenged me more….” – Willow



ROGD = Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (details below)

Gender Dysphoria – a definition and some history:

“Gender dysphoria—formerly known as “gender identity disorder”—is characterized by a severe and persistent discomfort in one’s biological sex.1Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 2000), 579.

“It typically begins in early childhood—ages two to four—though it may grow more severe in adolescence. But in most cases—nearly 70 percent—childhood gender dysphoria resolves.2Kenneth J. Zucker, “The Myth of Persistence: Response to ‘A Critical Commentary on Follow-Up Studies and ‘Desistance’ Theories about Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children’ by Temple Newhook et al. (2018),” International Journal of Transgenderism (May 2018); See also J. Ristori and T. D. Steensma, “Gender Dysphoria in Childhood,” International Review of Social Psychiatry 28, no. 1 (2016): 13–20.Historically, it afflicted a tiny sliver of the population (roughly .01 percent) and almost exclusively boys. Before 2012, in fact, there was no scientific literature on girls ages eleven to twenty-one ever having developed gender dysphoria at all. In the last decade that has changed, and dramatically. 

“The Western world has seen a sudden surge of adolescents claiming to have gender dysphoria and self-identifying as “transgender.” For the first time in medical history, natal girls are not only present among those so identifying—they constitute the majority.”

Source: page xxi Introduction - Irreversible Damage - Abigail Shrier

The sudden spike is characterized as ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria).

Here are some other disturbing statistics. In 2018, the UK reported a 4,400 percent rise over the previous decade in teenage girls seeking gender treatments (Testosterone & Puberty Blockers). Between 2016 and 2017 the number of gender surgeries for natal females in the U.S. quadrupled. Unlike in the past, now it was biological women suddenly accounting for 70 percent of all gender surgeries.

What is going on? I think I know….


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Libby – DeTransitioner

From Erin Brewer’s YouTube channel. Use the Closed-Caption (CC) feature to get it all. Libby decided to reverse course when, as she says: “I was convicted by God in a really prophetic way…”

Libby tells about her sex-ed training while attending a Church affiliated school over 10 years ago when she was in High School. And how that training set her up for failure. You’ll find that around the 14:30 mark. But start at the beginning.

One more quote from Libby around the 35:19 mark.

In a theological way I was taught by some really liberal sort of Christians that God made all these different, this whole rainbow array of gender and this whole spectrum because God loves diversity and therefore transgenderism fits into that.


You can learn about Erin’s challenging dissociative disorder journey at my previous post. Always Erin. Please check that out as well, if you haven’t already.

The Call is Coming From Inside the House

Last June I began the new emphasis on my blog, a blog devoted to celebrating God’s good creation, after reading Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

She alerted me to the fact that our children, especially our girls, are hurting. Unfortunately, the grown ups in far too many rooms are not helping.

Please watch the following disturbing and graphic video. You won’t like what you see. But you must see it. It’s a horror story that must be told. Healthy body parts are being removed from our mentally distressed young people.

Parents wake up.

The call may be coming from inside your house.


We have entered an age that features a belief in the mystical, secret knowledge of technology as a means to salvation.

Jennifer Bilek

We have to look at why this is framed as a civil rights issue when the main issues seem to be capital and social engineering.

Jennifer Bilek


As always my standard link disclaimer applies: “Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. Particularly in this case the broad anti-religion swipe. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.”

Some people who are mentally ill need to know what’s real!

De-Transitioner Isaac – Confronting His Gender Therapist

In my view this may be reality’s last stand. If this undeniable fact–that biological sex is real–can be denied en masse, this means we have lost our collective tether to reality and become hostages to chaos.

Colin Wright – Evolutionary biologist


May God have mercy on us.

As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.