Looking For “Good Persons”

WPATH is the World Professional Association for Transgender Health

Here is Eliza’s Tweet and the thread following.

As you are scrolling down the tweet thread you may encounter a screen capture that looks like this, except it will say Eliza Mondegreen instead of Kathleen Stock.

If you don’t have an account on Twitter just click the “SIGN UP” button which will bring a screen like the following:

Just click the “X” in the upper left corner and keep reading. No need to join Twitter unless you want to.


What Are We Doing To Our Children?

A War On Safeguarding

Maya Forstater, a gender critical feminist, recently won a long battle against her employer for unjust dismissal.

Last week, Twitter suspended her account because she had some unflattering things to write and show about Mermaids, a trans-activist organization in the U.K.

Here is her story about the incident. And sadly, in the Western world, our story too. (read it and weep)

This is not a culture war. It is a war on safeguarding. (click for story)

Part of the “Mermaid’s Tales” Promotion Campaign


What Are We Doing To Our Children?

The Little Mermaid, Updated

Philosopher Kathleen Stock has something of a writers block. She simply can’t write “one more straight-faced sentence about the ludicrous, off-the-charts batshittery of mainstream LGBT organisations.” (Remember, Stock is a Gender Critical Feminist, who is also a Lesbian.)

So she decided to update “The Little Mermaid” fantasy.

Once upon a time, at a hospital where Birthing-Persons give birth to children of indeterminate sex, a trans child is being born.

This is a special child. Unbeknownst to all, something called a gender identity lies within the newborn as it innocently sleeps. A bit like the seed in Jack’s pocket yet to grow into a beanstalk, this gender identity has yet to germinate and unfold. But one day it will.

Soon thereafter, the sex-assigning fairies arrive at the hospital, and sort the newborns into two groups: half into boy-babies, and half into girl-babies. Our hero is assigned “boy” by the sex-assigning fairies.  Nobody objects, for they know no different. The gender identity needs time to germinate. It is not ready yet.

[the rest of the fantasy story]
