Phobia Indoctrination And Trans Communities

Another great article by Eliza Mondegreen. This gal keeps cranking them out. She refutes the sentiment expressed below. (A “TERF” is a so-called trans-exclusionary-radical-feminist.)

Great article on how indoctrination works. About the decidedly hyperbolic and unhealthy Trans-community, she writes:

Healthy communities don't behave like this. Civil-rights movements don't behave like this. They don't terrify their members by spinning lurid fantasies out of thin air and political convenience. They don't hound peaceful critics into submission. They uphold freedom of expression because they need it, too. They make their case in the public sphere. Why doesn’t the trans movement?

Read the whole thing!

As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion

Philosopher K. Stock: Interview on Radio New Zealand

Good article about and podcast interview of Philosopher Kathleen Stock, a self described “gender non-conforming lesbian.”

"I don't think even if you have radical surgical measures you can change your sex. I don't think you can change your sex. We're not that powerful, we don't have that sort of control over nature."

"In 2018, I started writing about my concerns with [gender self-identification] in relation to the [UK's] Gender Recognition Act because there was a big push at the time to get that in place… and my concerns about premature child transition and calling trans women 'lesbians' and all sorts of things I thought were problematic about gender identity as a kind of motivating legal force.

"Almost immediately that got me some attention - not good attention. People thought that I was being very cruel and couldn't understand why I was saying things like 'trans women are male' … They thought it was transphobic to say that."

Stock argues it's an untrue and harmful idea that gender identity is an aspect of a person's "inner state" and "as soon as it expresses itself it cannot be denied and must be attended to and must override any discussion of your actual sex".

Kathleen Stock: the professor who lost her career amid toxic gender debate

Companion Post


‘Because I’m A Molecular Geneticist’

That’s why Transwomen should not be treated as women, says this brave woman at UC Berkeley. (view video below)
