Stop Telling Children, “Male” & “Female” Are “Feelings”

Arrant nonsense, says Helen Joyce in her latest op-ed.

Male and female are objective biological terms, and we’re all one or the other, and which one we are can’t change.

Little children think superficial things like hairstyles and clothing determine whether someone is a boy or girl.

Normally, by around age seven they work out that your sex depends only on which body type you have.

But if adults they trust tell them falsehoods at this critical moment, they may be permanently confused.

Schools should not teach children unscientific nonsense about the sexes.

It’s as bad as allowing anti-vaxxers write the science syllabus, or flat-earthers provide geography lessons.

Read the whole thing.

“Confusion” by Hamner_Fotos is licensed under CC BY 2.0. 


Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality

I mentioned author Helen Joyce in my last post. She has written a very fine book on the topic. A “Book of the Year” according to The Spectator. It’s one of the several that I’ve read on this subject. She has a PhD in Mathematics. She is the finance editor at The Economist. And now she has turned her attention to the most important issue of the day.

She is not a Christian, but she defends the reality of sexed bodies, male and female.

She’s very sharp. As you will see. She is also relentlessly reasonable.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

For anyone interested in an extended review of the Gender-Critical Pro-Creation argument presented on this blog, but without having to scroll through every post, please visit the Menu at the top of each page and click on the Top Posts link.

The New Trans-Activism

“Taken to the woodshed” by someone who could never be accused of being a fascist, or right-winger. Allison Bailey is suing Stonewall, the LGBTQ+ rights organization in the U.K. Bailey is a Lesbian, a political leftist, and fed up with the idea that we must replace the concept of sex with gender.

You might not agree with everything she says, but she highlights many of the concerns I’ve blogged about in the past year.

Here is her scorching criticism of the New Trans-Activism.

Allison Bailey
