Trans Identity and DOUBT

Eliza Mondegreen at a recent Genspect gathering in Killarney, Ireland gave the following talk: Trans Identity and Doubt. I’ll point out some highlights, but you should read the whole thing.

She did a deep dive into several online (Reddit) Trans-communities. The self-doubt was everywhere and assiduously dissuaded as a threat to the “community.” For example:

So you can say: I can’t let go of the fear that I’m faking it and that this is all a huge mistake. But the conclusion is predetermined: your fears are irrational. Your doubts are misplaced. You must say so yourself, and then the community reinforces your refusal to take your questions and doubts as serious challenges to your self-identity and decision to transition. Not only that: your doubts are a sign you’re really trans. 

She discusses how online communities can both support and challenge individuals questioning their gender identity, and how these communities often dismiss doubts about trans identity by labeling them as “internalized transphobia” or “intrusive thoughts.”

Mondegreen also discusses the concept of “imposter syndrome” within the trans community, where individuals may feel like they are not genuinely their identified gender. She argues that these feelings of doubt and uncertainty are often dismissed or reframed as evidence of a person’s trans identity, rather than being taken seriously as potential indicators of a need for further exploration or support.

These confused kids need our help. But in the main, they are not getting it. What they get are online “friends” coaching them down a predetermined path.



Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion

TransMission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender?

This is a followup post to the Chloe Cole piece from yesterday.

Below is a fine documentary that hits most of the bases I’ve covered in the last two years on this blog. And it’s still running on YouTube! You’ll find Parents, Gay Rights Activists, Radical Feminists, Doctors, Psychiatrists etc…raising the alarm.

It finishes with a suggestive answer to the question, how and when will this end?

Tell others about this video!


Lifelong Liberal Democrats Create Documentary “Affirmation Generation”

They describe themselves as lifelong, liberal Democrats, but the makers of a documentary about the difficulties of people who transitioned from one gender to another and back have found themselves branded as bigots and anti-trans grifters as well as TERFs—short for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists.

They said a screening of Affirmation Generation had been canceled due to pushback from trans rights activists—including threats of disruption and social media attacks, and another required extra security and a secret location. Some of the film’s makers say they did not dare use their own names.

If Hollywood knew I made this movie, I would be immediately canceled and destroyed,” said producer Vera Lindner, who goes by a different name for mainstream projects.


She began transitioning at age 18, including injections of testosterone and the surgical removal of both of her breasts, which she said led to more depression. When she was diagnosed four years later with Complex PTSD due to abuse suffered as a child, she transitioned back to female.

Now 26 and saying she is comfortable in her own body, she blames a “cultural obsession” for encouraging her to be trans. “There’s a deconstructionist element to it, completely pushing against traditional values, including the reality of biological sex,” she said. “Kids are pushed along on this conveyor belt that involves big pharma, billable insurance and media propaganda.”

Since going public with her decision to detransition, she’s been likened to a Nazi in social media and told she’s “supporting the genocide of trans people.”

Source: Newsweek

Watch Trailer for Documentary at Newsweek
