Blind To Reality

Excellent article in The Spectator – Australia about the lack of vision at one of the finest Western Universities, Cambridge. What was once a bastion of feminist activism. Is no longer. Why the feminist falling out?

Because Gender Critical Feminists believe that sex is real and binary. And some Cambridge faculty and students regard those out-dated ideas as beyond the pale for civilized discourse.

At one of this country’s most prestigious universities, women who hold perfectly reasonable views are terrorised into silence. Gender-critical students and academics are ostracised. A university that prides itself on academic rigour is letting down its students.

Dozens of blue and gold banners now hang from the ceiling of Newnham’s dining hall, commissioned by the college in celebration of its 150th year. In richly-embroidered slogans they exhort the importance of ‘privileging queerness’, ‘experimenting with gender’ and ‘trans liberation’; they reassure students we can ‘be who we say we are’. Among these, one sobering message stands out: ‘Appreciate reality.’ I had lunch at the college recently with a fellow PhD student whose research also relates to gender, when my opinion became clear. She paused, looking bemused, and asked: ‘So, you think there are only two sexes?’.


Entitled Men In Stilettos

Lay aside what you may think about beauty pageants, and stand up for real women.

Grab Graphs From Article

In a comic twist, the American feminist organisation Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) has been at the forefront of protecting the rights of females to become beauty queens. Last month, the radical women’s group won a legal battle alongside Miss America USA (MUSA). A would-be contestant – a male who identified as trans – brought legal action against MUSA, after his application was rejected on the grounds that he is not a ‘natural-born female’.

As WoLF’s chair, Lierre Keith, tells me: ‘You can roll your eyes about it being a beauty pageant, but the principle is the same whether it’s a pageant, a homeless shelter, a hospital ward or a prison. Women are saying no to men, as we have a right to.’ This is about ‘men claiming to be women and claiming a right to our spaces’, she says. The idea that womanhood is a costume that can be stepped into by men is the very essence of dick-swinging entitlement.

[Standard link disclaimer1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.]


Justice For Real Women

Reality Girl

This is a little snarky but the stakes are high. So Reality Girl draws it straight.

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What Are We Doing To Our Girls?