Is Abortion Ever Necessary To Save The Life Of The Mother?

For over 50 years Americans have been told a false story.

So says Dr. Donna Harrison, OBGYN, executive director of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. And many more doctors (see below).

The false idea that late-term abortion is sometimes necessary for “health” reasons has been knit into American cultural discourse since 1973, when the Supreme Court decision in Doe v. Bolton, the companion case to Roe v. Wade, introduced a definition of “health” so sweeping that it effectively eliminated all restrictions on abortion. Today, Americans are so used to hearing that abortion must be legal to protect the health of the mother that it may be difficult to fathom that there are truly no medical situations in which abortion, the direct, intentional killing of a preborn baby, is necessary to save a woman’s life.


What OB-GYNs who abide by the Hippocratic Oath and the signers of the Dublin Declaration understand is that in every situation where a pregnancy is endangering a woman’s life, what has to happen is that the mother and baby have to be separated. But the physician can separate the baby and do everything in his or her power to save that baby’s life. This is different from an abortion. The purpose of an abortion is to kill the baby before birth, giving him or her zero chance of survival.


Because of the law recently passed in New York, and the bills under consideration in Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia, the claim that abortion needs to be legal at any point in the pregnancy to preserve the life of the mother is likely to get a lot of play in the coming months. That claim, however, is not based in reality.

The reality is that, in an emergency, a physician can always separate the mother and the baby in a way that gives them both the best chance possible. Abortion is never about saving a life. It is about killing a human being, and it is never medically necessary to intentionally kill an unborn child in an abortion in order to save the life of its mother.

Source: Abortion is Never Necessary (read the whole thing!)

Over 1012 medical professionals agree.


“As experienced practitioners and researchers in obstetrics and gynaecology, we affirm that direct abortion – the purposeful destruction of the unborn child – is not medically necessary to save the life of a woman.

We uphold that there is a fundamental difference between abortion, and necessary medical treatments that are carried out to save the life of the mother, even if such treatment results in the loss of life of her unborn child.

We confirm that the prohibition of abortion does not affect, in any way, the availability of optimal care to pregnant women.”

You can find the names and specialties of these medical professionals here.

Again. Here’s the thing. By the time the baby is large enough to pose a health risk to the mother, doctors can always separate the two by either inducing labor or performing a C-Section.

The purposeful destruction of the unborn child is not medically necessary.

The Hippocratic Oath says “first do no harm.” The premature baby may indeed die, but that will not be the intent of the mother or health care practitioners.

This distinction matters.

Why can’t we protect the most vulnerable among us? It would be the moral thing to do. We have options after all. The mother and child have options. As a society we should support those options. Before and after birth.

One more thing. The companion case to Roe, Doe v. Bolton, expanded the definition of health to include emotional, psychological, and familial health. Because of that definitional expansion, there remained virtually no legal barrier to abortion for “health” reasons during the full term of the pregnancy.

In Doe, the Court defined the scope of Roe’s mandatory “health exception” (which must apply to restrictions on abortion at all gestational stages) to include not merely physical well-being but also “factors physical, emotional, psychological, and familial.”1“Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 179, 192 (1973).”

In Roe and Doe, (I’ll discuss Casey at another time), the abortionist was given the sole authority to determine whether any such aspect of a woman’s well-being warrants an abortion. This essentially nullified the ability of states to restrict abortion even after a child could survive outside the womb.

Most people don’t know this.

Maybe you didn’t. But now you do.

Human Person
15 Weeks Old

I realize what I’ve written in this post is not sufficient to persuade everyone disappointed with the recent Supreme Court decision. Future posts will continue to make the case for LIFE. ‘Stay tuned.’ The ‘ball’ is in our court now. What will we do?


First, Do No Harm

Affirmed As Whole Human Beings

Genspect, an international and non-partisan organization representing thousands of parents of gender dysphoric children, adolescents, and young adults, as well as trans people, detransitioners, clinicians, and allied groups has written…

“An Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics”

…asking that our children be affirmed as whole human beings.

Why this letter now? Genspect believes the AAP is suppressing support for something called Resolution 27.

We have recently become aware that five pediatricians submitted a resolution (#27) to urge the AAP to do a thorough and systematic evaluation of the available evidence and to update the 2018 AAP position paper Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents, which incorrectly promulgates the notion that “gender affirmative” psychosocial and medical interventions are the only acceptable treatment for gender dysphoric youth. This resolution is timely: thousands of young adults are coming forward on Detrans subreddit and other social media platforms describing their regret. Why is this happening? A recently published peer-reviewed publication warned that the original “Dutch” protocol that is now used to treat dysphoric youth suffers from significant methodological limitations and is not applicable to most of the current cases: namely youth with post-puberty onset of gender dysphoria complicated by mental health or neurocognitive difficulties.

In the Open Letter you will read about Europe’s reconsideration of Affirmative Care. And much, much more.

For more information on Gender Ideology claims please read the following posts.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion

We’re In Danger of Losing Our Way

GeekGirlCon pronoun pins
“GeekGirlCon pronoun pins” by GeekGirlCon is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Opinion: When it comes to trans youth, we’re in danger of losing our way

Erica E. Anderson, Ph.D. is the former president of the United States Professional Association for Transgender Health, former board member of WPATH and is writing a book on the evolution of the science, practice and culture dealing with transgender healthcare; she is based in Berkeley.

Erica is also a Trans-woman.

Although I would not as a Christian affirm the idea that you can be born in the wrong body, I acknowledge that some adults like Anderson may choose Transition as an option to alleviate their discomfort with the body God gave them (and their earthly father as well) 1It is the male sperm that determines whether a child is born with XX or XY chromosomes.

I would hope they would not ask me to pay for that option which includes expensive surgeries and cross-hormone therapy for the rest of their life.

Anderson, a former president of the top transgender health organization in the U.S. is highly critical of today’s trans-lobby. Anderson has written an important opinion piece in the San Francisco Examiner.

[Standard link disclaimer2Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.]

Some grab graphs

As a trans woman and therapist to trans and gender creative people, I’ve worked hard to advance acceptance of trans identities, including those of trans youth. But increasingly I’m worried that in our zeal to identify and protect these special children and adolescents, we may have strayed from some core principles and we are in danger of losing our way.

In this extraordinary time during a global pandemic, we have all been subject to extra stress to stay vigilant and avoid COVID and all its variants. Young people have pivoted to remote learning and stayed at home for in many cases more than an entire academic year, depriving them of ordinary social experiences. As a result, most adolescents have also depended upon social media and the internet to an extent never before seen.

We are learning some worrisome things about this massive, unplanned social experiment. Even the tech giants have conceded in their own research that there is a new kind of addiction/attraction to certain content and a kind of contagion among select groups, especially adolescent girls. Increased rates of depression and suicide, declines in dating and sexual activity, more reported loneliness and feelings of being left out, lower rates of involvement in extracurricular activities and surprisingly less sleep all characterize the current generation of adolescents. These trends seem to be accelerating in the era of the smartphone.

There is little question that reliance on screens and devices has isolated adolescents who may be most vulnerable and susceptible to peer and other influences, intensifying their usage of and reliance on whatever messages and images they see. I am concerned that our computer-mediated, always online environment is creating isolated echo chambers that can work on adolescents in an insidious way. And I believe that it’s been worse during COVID.

For example, some content on YouTube and TikTok includes “influencers,” who themselves are barely out of puberty. They dispense advice to other young people, specifically encouraging them to explore their gender identity freely.

On the one hand, I’m glad our society has evolved toward greater acceptance of all LGBTQ identities. On the other hand, some of the messaging has landed on vulnerable youth searching not just for keys to their own identity but solutions to other psychological and emotional problems, including serious psychiatric problems.

Here is where things may have gone wrong.

I wouldn’t use the word “may” but read the whole thing.


Love Cannot Affirm Confusion, But It Can Embrace