Camille Kiefel, Detransitioner

More and more are coming out. They made a big mistake. Camille Kiefel has her say in a recent Newsweek article: I Thought I Was Nonbinary. Now I Help Detransitioners.

While growing up, I struggled with ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). I was 6 years old when I got diagnosed. Many are finding that ADHD and autism are common with detransitioners.

As well as struggling with ADHD, in 6th grade, I found out that my best friend was raped by her brother. That’s when things started to change for me. I started to present more masculine after that by wearing “boys” clothes and identifying with male anime characters. I was trying to hide my body—my breasts in particular—by wearing baggy clothing.

My dad was also trying to protect me, and he was scared about me growing up. He’d tell me how men his age talked about girls my age sexually, so I became very nervous. My generalized anxiety disorder started around that period of my life.

I thought that removing my breasts or reducing the size of them would have helped me. After I talked to my doctor about it, he connected me with somebody through their medical system. Then, that person connected me with two mental health professionals, one of whom saw me for 50 minutes and the other for 40. These were both Zoom calls during COVID and I told them everything.

I’m speaking out about this because I’ll have to live with my body being mutilated for the rest of my life and I don’t want this to happen to others. I want doctors to know that they need to look for underlying health issues

Read the whole thing.


Positive Movement By American Academy of Pediatrics & Others

From the Wall Street Journal.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the nation’s premier association of pediatricians, plans to review the evidence for gender-affirming medical care and potentially amend its policies that help guide doctors and clinicians providing the treatment to transgender youth. 

The exact scope of the review has yet to be determined, but is expected to include an evaluation of medical interventions such as puberty blockers and hormones, which are in some cases used to delay puberty or boost physical features associated with a gender different from the patient’s sex at birth. 

The process, known as a systematic evidence review, typically looks at all relevant evidence behind any given treatment, adjusting for bias and other potential flaws. It will be conducted by an external organization, the AAP said. 

In a related matter.

PSH are Puberty Suppressing Hormones aka Puberty Blockers

Another change of mind about puberty blockers. (Good God. What was he thinking to begin with.)

“I’ve changed my mind based on the evidence; it’s really not a pause for the vast majority of young people,” he said.

Dr. Stathis, who is medical director of Child and Youth Mental Health Service at Children’s Health Queensland, was referring to Dutch and English data showing that almost all of the young patients started on blockers went on to cross-sex hormones, which have irreversible effects. 

Blockers have often been promoted as a “no regrets” option giving a child time to mature and consider the weighty decision whether to progress to lifelong hormones.

Dr. Stathis, a child and adolescent psychiatrist who founded the gender clinic at the Queensland Children’s Hospital where patient numbers rose from 48 in 2014 to 635 in 2021, made the remarks on July 23 during a lengthy presentation at a conference of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) in Cairns, Queensland.

Dr. Stathis appears to be one of the first gender-affirming clinicians to publicly accept the findings of systematic reviews in Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom since 2019 that the evidence base for medical transition of minors is of low quality and very uncertain.


I Feel The ‘Earth’ Moving

University Youth Gender Clinics Closing or Scaling Back

ANALYSIS: Some gender clinics are already shutting their doors, even while litigation proceeds

Up to 13 pediatric gender clinics at university hospitals could close or scale back by the end of the year, as a result of Republican-led states restricting doctors from removing healthy organs or injecting hormones into minors who are confused about their gender.

Source: The College Fix

A good start.


Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion