Starting Again, Again

Having finished the following post about J.K. Rowling yet again standing up for women and their sex-based rights

…you go girl!

It’s my turn to “once more” start again by adding another controversial topic to the blog.

I’ve aligned myself with Gender-Critical Feminists like Rowling and many others in the past year by defending sex-based rights. But now I’m sure I will part ways with many of them (although not all of them) because of some of the blogging I expect to do in the next year.

In the last year, I’ve been an advocate for reality. Principally for God’s good creation of real men and women, boys and girls. Those are the only options available to us.

I’ve also advocated that we embrace confused people.

This is a controversial subject for many today (but not as many as the mass media would have you believe). Most people, when made aware of the facts, don’t like the ideology behind Gender Identity and Expression. Especially when it impacts the well-being of their children. And the sanctity of the parent-child relationship.

So why would I consider adding another controversial topic to my plate? Why would I Start Again, Again?

Because of our children. The most vulnerable among us.

Continue reading “Starting Again, Again”

15 Week Reality

We must be compassionate humans about this…..
