32 states and counting: Why parents bills of rights are sweeping US

An article in the Christian Science Monitor is about the rise of parental bills of rights in the U.S., which are laws that aim to give parents more control over their children’s education.

32 states and counting have introduced legislation. The U.S. House has also gotten into the act.

The CSM article explains that different states have different versions of these bills, some more broad and some more specific. The article also explores the reasons behind this trend, such as the pandemic, the vaccine mandates, and the culture wars. [Which is to say, most parents are strongly against educators hiding & facilitating the gender transitioning of their children as well as teaching them age inappropriate sex related subjects.]

Full Story Here.


The New Politics Of Gender Identity

Philosopher Kathleen Stock. Worth your time….

[Standard link disclaimer1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.]
