A Mental Disorder

It used to be called Gender Identity Disorder (GID). But that was changed because it sounded too “stigmatizing.” For that reason, and that reason alone, it is now called Gender Dysphoria.

In a recent federal court case, Neese v. Becerra, two Medical Doctors, Neese & Hurly, were charged with discrimination under Title IX and The Affordable Care Act. The doctors, (i.e. the plaintiffs,) perform care consistent with their ethical beliefs which sometimes keeps them from “treating” patients in accordance with a patient’s “gender identity.”

Plaintiffs, via legal counsel, allege:

Dr. Hurly "recognizes that some biological men may identify as women (and vice versa)." In his practice, Dr. Hurly "has encountered situations … when he must insist that a patient acknowledge his biological sex rather than the gender identity that he asserts." Plaintiffs provide an example: Dr. Hurly "once diagnosed a biological male patient with prostate cancer, but the patient refused to accept Dr. Hurly's diagnosis because he identified as a woman and insisted that he could not have a prostate." Dr. Hurly "explain[ed] to this patient that he was indeed a biological man with a prostate, and that he needed to seek urgent medical treatment for his prostate cancer." Plaintiffs claim, "Dr. Hurly has treated transgender patients in the past, and he expects to continue doing so in the future." They allege: "Dr. Hurly is likely to encounter transgender patients who will deny or dispute their need for health care that corresponds to their biological sex, and he intends to provide care to these individuals in a manner consistent with his ethical beliefs."

Those who deny reality are delusional. They have a mental disorder. And need to be lovingly treated, not affirmed.

The Federal Judge ruled for the plaintiffs. An excerpt of the ruling by Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk (N. D. Tex.) which came down last Friday, (11.11.22), is found here:

Title IX and Affordable Care Act Don’t Forbid Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination.


First Do No Harm


We need more of this on public display. Less shouting, less cancelling, less intimidation. More listening to & talking with one another, even when we disagree. And continue to disagree.

As we will.

Extremists want to demonize opponents, and de-platform those who think differently instead of allowing all sides to have their say. After which, the citizens will then “vote” with their time, money, and ballot. In political terms, one side will win, and the other lose.

But there will always be another opportunity to persuade and vote your conscience.

That’s how the system works. Do today’s activists want to persuade or overpower?

Constantly demonizing and accusing your opponents (who you probably don’t know) of hate does not a civil society make.

Justice Sotomayor knows the man. And calls him a friend. Though they both have strong ideological commitments, they respect one another enough to listen, talk, and argue about important things. And still care about one another.

That’s their job as jurists and as humans.

That’s civility.
