British Triathlon Announces Significant Change

British Triathlon becomes the first British sport to create an ‘open’ category for transgender athletes, banning transgender females from competing in elite and age-group female events.

Why? Because of fairness. Because transwomen are not women. They are biological males. And the Truth matters.

The Female category, meanwhile, will be “for those who are the female sex at birth.”


I so glad they didn’t say “those assigned the female sex at birth.” Sex is not assigned. As Gender Identity Activists claim. That is a gross mischaracterization of reality.

Have you noticed many requests to allow trans-MALE competitors in elite male sport? I haven’t. Perhaps there is a good reason.

Full Story Here.

As a Christian who believes in the doctrine of Creation, Incarnation, Bodily Resurrection, Bodily Ascension, and future bodily resurrection for believers, I could never agree with Gender Ideologues nor the bodily harm they often recommend to confused people.

For more information on the science behind Transgenderism and Gender Ideology. Read these posts.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


Maya Forstater & Free Speech Vindication

A major case just wrapped up in the UK. Maya Forstater was forced out of her research position at the Center for Global Development because of her gender critical beliefs.

In the UK they have an employment tribunal to which anyone who thinks they’ve been fired without cause can appeal. Maya did. And after a lengthy and costly battle.

She won!

Here is how she responded to the verdict.

“My case matters for everyone who believes in the importance of truth and free speech.

“We are all free to believe whatever we wish. What we are not free to do is compel others to believe the same thing, to silence those who disagree with us or to force others to deny reality.

Human beings cannot change sex. It is not hateful to say that; in fact it is important in order to treat everyone fairly and safely. It shouldn’t take courage to say this, and no one should lose their job for doing so.

“I am pleased that the Tribunal has allowed me to put on record what happened to me at the Center for Global Development. The tribunal has found that I was a victim of discrimination because I stated that biological sex is real and important, a view shared by the vast majority of people in this country. I hope employers will take note of the judgment.

“I would like to thank my family, who have gone through this with me over the past three years, and my legal team: barristers Ben Cooper QC and Anya Palmer, and my solicitor Peter Daly. Above all I want to thank the thousands of women and men who sent me their support, and in particular JK Rowling for standing by me in the darkest of days.

“To hear that my case has helped other people to speak up against unfair and discriminatory practices at work makes the hardship of the last three years easier to bear. All those who are fighting similar battles — and there are many such people now — have my solidarity and support.

“I also want to thank all the brilliant organisations fighting to protect sex-based rights. They will make the world a safer, fairer place for women and girls. They are stepping into the democratic space that well-funded organisations like CGD have vacated through cowardice.

“CGD’s unfair treatment of me, and prejudice against people who believe that sex is real, changed my life. If the organisation hadn’t ended my employment, I would never have co-founded Sex Matters. I would never have had the opportunity to be part of the amazing movement in the UK to re-assert the importance of sex-based rights.

We have had enough of being sidelined in language, law, policy and public spaces. This judgment is further evidence that the tide is turning.”

Maya Forstater

Full Press Release.


“Woman” Cancelled

CLK above is replying to Bette Midler, who recently got in trouble for stating the obvious: “I thought you stood up for LGBT+ people” CLK tweeted.

To which the obvious reply would be that, well of course we want confused people who think they are born in the wrong body to have civil rights etc…but it doesn’t mean we don’t believe they are greatly confused.

That’s something we should be allowed to say in public.

We can believe both that people are confused AND that the cancelling of “woman” for the sake of “inclusion” is devastatingly beyond the pale.

Why is this not happening to “men”? Hmmm? As the graph above indicates. If you are a woman you are a “vulva owner.” If you are a man? Still a man?

Or will that term eventually be cast into the “dustbin of history” too?


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion.