“Medically Inaccurate” Charge Dropped Against Gender Critical Nurse

Nurse Amy Hamm and the billboard she sponsored.

This is a follow up to a post I made several months ago about a nurse in Canada.

Canadian Nurse Amy Hamm is being investigated and charged with professional misconduct for disagreeing with Gender Ideology.  Here is my earlier post.

The latest development is that the charge against Nurse Hamm about making statements that included “medically inaccurate information” have been dropped.

The original charge said that Hamm:

“…made discriminatory and derogatory statements regarding transgender people, some of which statements included medically inaccurate information, while identifying yourself as a nurse or nurse educator. These statements were made across various online platforms, including but not limited to, podcasts, videos, published writings and social media.”

Professionally, I suppose, that could have been a problem. Though everybody knows medical professionals sometimes make inaccurate statements. They are only human, after all.

But the new charge now reads:

“Between approximately July 2018 and March 2021, you made discriminatory and derogatory statements regarding transgender people, while identifying yourself as a nurse or nurse educator. These statements were made across various online platforms, including but not limited to, podcasts, videos, published writings and social media.”

Of course that is a step in the right direction.

However. Nurse Hamm’s free speech right to make, as a medical professional, the completely rational and scientific statement that it is impossible to change your sex is still, unfortunately, facing discipline.

Regulatory bodies are increasingly policing the speech of professionals (see this post)

to “cancel” medical and educational professionals with whom they disagree. But as more and more decide to bravely face this cancel culture of intimidation, I hope the current trajectory of this debate will change. One can only hope.

You can read more about Amy’s story here. Go Amy!!

As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


Sport Dominoes Are Falling

But how far will it go?

Courage. Justice for Women.

Sebatian Coe
The World Athletics president, Sebastian Coe, has hailed swimming’s decision to ban transgender women from elite female competition as in “the best interests of its sport” – and hinted that track and field could soon follow suit.

Lord Coe was in Budapest on Sunday as swimming’s governing body, Fina, voted to bar trans athletes who have experienced any part of male puberty from cisgender women’s events. Within 24 hours he announced that the World Athletics council would also be reviewing its transgender and DSD (differences in sex development) athletes policies at the end of the year.

“My responsibility is to protect the integrity of women’s sport and we take that very seriously, and if it means that we have to make adjustments to protocols going forward, we will,” Coe said. “And I’ve always made it clear: if we ever get pushed into a corner to that point where we’re making a judgment about fairness or inclusion, I will always fall down on the side of fairness.”

[Source:  MSN]


I’m a Classic Christian and think Gender Ideology is anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

If you would like more detail on how my Christian worldview informs my understanding of Sex and today’s Gender Ideology please read the following posts.

The Natchez by Delacroix – 1835
Oil on Canvas
Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Love refuses to affirm confusion.


Navratilova & Evert Speak

More on Saving Women’s Sport. Volleying back hate charges, two tennis greats comment on their competitor and friend, MtF Transexual Renee Richards.

I posted on Navratilova’s viewpoint here.

The tide is turning.


The Truth matters.