‘Woman’ Dirty Word, ‘Man’ Just Fine

So says columnist Jenni Murray in her latest column at the Daily Mail. I blogged about the erasure of ‘woman’ and ‘women’ in the latest National Health Service (NHS) guidance for ovarian, womb and cervical cancer.

You can read about that here. Along with screen shots of the “before” and “after” website guidance.

Columnist Murray is exasperated, just like most of us.

Why is NHS hell-bent on erasing all mention of women?
‘People’ it appears, need to be warned of symptoms and risks of these potentially deadly conditions. ‘Anyone with ovaries can get ovarian cancer,’ says the NHS overview of the disease. ‘But it mostly affects those over 50.’ No mention of women, see.

Surprise, surprise it’s an entirely different picture if you click onto the cancers that affect only men. Take prostate cancer for example. Good grief, that part of the NHS site is positively raining men! ‘Most cases develop in men aged 50 or older,’ it says. ‘For reasons not yet understood, prostate cancer is more common in black men and less common in Asian men.’

Only ‘woman’, it seems, is ­perceived as a dirty word; ‘man’ is just fine.

Full Column Here.


I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

If you would like more detail on how my Christian worldview informs my understanding of Sex and today’s Gender Ideology please read the following posts.

Love refuses to affirm confusion.


Taibbi Confesses Fear of Cancel Culture

This is a follow up to my last post about journalist Matt Taibbi’s interview with Kara Dansky.

Taibbi, a self-described liberal, confesses the following in another Substack piece released the same day as the Dansky interview:

Several months ago I interviewed a feminist writer named Kara Dansky as part of the “Meet the Censored” series. The piece was written and edited, but I kept putting off publication, telling myself each week the time wasn’t right. 

In truth I was afraid of dealing with blowback from trans activists. It was the first time I was scared away from a topic. I apologized to Kara this week and am running the interview concurrent with this review. The point being: if even a serial gobbler of negative attention like me is nervous about publishing someone else’s opinions on a subject — remember, just co-signing the infamous Harper’s letter with J.K. Rowling ended up costing Substack’s Matt Yglesias a spot at a company he co-founded, Vox — that means no one with even a theoretical link to left-liberal audiences will want to go near this topic voluntarily.

There is a real “cancel” culture out there suppressing viewpoints that don’t agree with Gender Ideology.

Is this the world we want to live in?

Taibbi’s piece is called:

“What is a Woman?” A Movie That Should Be Reviewed More, For One Thing

Matt Walsh pranks the pants off America’s silliest intellectuals, and the sad thing is, it wasn’t hard at all


My take on the movie here. If you haven’t seen that post, it’s very revealing. Check it out.

What Is A Woman Trailer


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.


Feminist Facing Up to Three Years in Prison Over Tweets

Christina Ellingsen Is Under Investigation In Norway

In a Tweet she questioned the belief that men (biological males) could be lesbians. Police are investigating because in January 2021 Norway introduced “gender identity” into their hate crime policy. And now women are being persecuted for stating biological facts.

Full Story here.

"I am under police investigation for campaigning for women’s rights, because to certain groups, the fact that women and girls are female and that men cannot be women, girls, mothers or lesbians, is considered hateful,” Ellingsen told Reduxx. 

"Women are not protected against hate speech in Norway, but men who claim to be both lesbian and a woman, are protected both on the grounds of gender identity and on the grounds of sexual orientation,” Ellingsen said. 

"The fact that police are legally able to investigate and persecute women who engage in women’s rights is concerning. This is new territory in Norway, so the outcome of the investigation is important, both if the case is dismissed and if it leads to trial.”

In 2021, a Norwegian man was sentenced to 21 days in prison and a fine of 15,000NRK after being found guilty of “insulting” and “misgendering” a trans-identified male on Facebook.

Is this the world we want to live in?
