Dangerous California Bill AB 957 Enshrines Gender Affirmation Cult

I’m a Classic Christian and think Gender Ideology is anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

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The Natchez by Delacroix – 1835
Oil on Canvas
Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art


Stop Child Abuse

Planned Parenthood Sex-Ed Lesson In Elementary School

Nine and ten year olds in a Washington State Elementary School get an eye-opening and confusing lesson about sex and gender.

Podcaster Brandi Kruse reported on a sex education lesson provided to fourth and fifth grade students at Lincoln Elementary School on May 9, 2023. The lesson included over 40 images of different drawings of male and female genitalia. Another page from the lesson shows what children may need during puberty. One item is listed as “puberty blockers.” One page has a “gender wheel” that shows children they can be transgender and pick their pronouns. Examples of identities on this wheel include “drag king,” “boyish girl,” and “femme boy.” The word “tree” is also listed as a pronoun. The page for the wheel states:

You can keep your understanding of bodies, gender and pronouns as dancing and alive and current as possible. This means knowing about lots of different kinds of people and including every body as a normal part of your regular, everyday life.

Source: Parents Defending Education

“Words and ways of thinking are changing all the time as old, limiting beliefs transform and evolve.’

Gender Wheel Quote – 4th Grade Sex-Ed Material


A Mother Says: Maybe I’m Suffering Too

I am alone in this battle. I can’t share with friends or family out of shame and fear and, for those in my immediate circle, the immensity of this wrong is not appreciated. I am a mother, being pushed to the limits of her sanity and overwhelmed with such heavy sorrow. Every way I look is darkly clouded and the light of hope growing so dim, that I feel trapped in a parallel universe cut off from reality.

 I am made to feel like I need to be locked up in a white room, that it is me who is mad. That somehow I have just lost my senses and that the whole world is fine! That I’m just not accepting of everyone’s subjective reality, because I am hateful lunatic. Facts seem to fly in the face of everyone around me, the Truth is now nothing but an old construct fading away into distant memory, created only to oppress and destroy. And for me to hold onto this, is apparently a telling of my oppressive and unprogressive true nature. 


. . . I have to find strength from somewhere to keep going. I have to be strong for my other two kids. I have to be there for my suffering child to help her through this, to lead her out of this, to be here when it’s all over. And so this is when I look up, to the Only One who is good. The Only Truth I have known of late that hasn’t been dispelled. And the Only One who loves more than we do and has given us a way back to peace and joy. I look to the One who was pierced and say “Your Will not mine!” and I surrender my child to Him and say “This too is YOUR child, do what You will and give me the wisdom and strength to endure this trial”. This is when I open the Psalms and see the trials David went though, during his most difficult days and yet turned to Him and was filled with Hope once more and it fills me too with hope. This is when God Himself picks me up from the floor and says “Stand Up! You are Not alone! I Am here with you!” And this is when the moments of hope begin and God, I believe You are True. I believe You hate this evil more than we do. I believe this serves a purpose to bring about Your justice! May your Will be done and may Your justice be swift. And may You protect Your children and bring them back to the Truth!

So, in one of my rare and hopeful moments, I say this…

The Truth WILL come out in the end.

From Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)


Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion