California Weighs Gender-Transition Bill for Youths Beyond Its Borders

I’ve highlighted Erin Brewer before. If you haven’t heard her story it’s really worth the time. Then come back and get informed about what some California legislators are hoping to do by listening to the 30 minute podcast below.

“Surgery Image 2” by UCDMedicine is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

California is moving ahead with a bill that would offer gender-transition medical treatment not just to in-state children, but also to kids across America. 

Here is Erin Brewer on the conservative podcast, the Daily Signal. She is a great advocate for protecting children. Her personal experience as a former trans-kid is riveting.

You can find the transcript here if you want to read along.

[Standard link disclaimer1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.]


Fact-Checking the HHS

Two months ago, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued an official document “Gender Affirming Care and Young People.” In a recent blog the Society For Evidence Based Gender Medicine fact-checked this important document and found an alarming number of errors and misrepresentations.

SEGM is an international group of over 100 clinicians and researchers concerned about the lack of quality evidence for the use of hormonal and surgical interventions as first-line treatment for young people with gender dysphoria. They represent expertise from a range of clinical disciplines.

Here are the bullet points of their fact-check:

Inaccurate Claims
  • Misstatements of the effects of social transition
  • Unsupported claim of the reversibility of puberty blockers
  • Inaccurate statement regarding the age eligibility for surgeries
  • Overreaching claims of “proven benefits” of gender transition on adolescent mental health
  • Omission of any discussion of risks
  • Conflation of distinctly different concepts
Insufficient Process
  • Inadequate literature review
  • Biased recommendations that do not acknowledge the low quality of evidence
  • Failure to consult a range of stakeholders with diverse views
  • Lack of identification or acknowledgement of alternatives

Full Fact-Check Report

“Gender crossing” by arboltsef is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


Sex Ed In The Wild West

This is a follow up post to…

UK Children’s Commissioner to review ‘horrendous’ and age-inappropriate sex education teaching.

MP Miriam Cates, who sits on the committee, said constituents had written to her raising concerns over 'a nine-year-old coming home, shaking, white as a sheet, because they've been taught in detail about rape'.

She said one parent in her constituency had been 'distraught' that her six-year-old had been taught about masturbation in school.

Ms Cates said that encouraging pupils to talk about intimate details with adults made them more 'available' and 'susceptible' to sexual predators.

In the debate, she said contracting out RSE teaching to external providers created a 'Wild West scenario' when it came to teaching the topic.

Source:  Daily Mail

More details may be found in the Daily Mail.

Age-appropriate education standards and laws are being written in many U.S. states. This issue is not isolated to the U.K. All of this ties into the Gender Activists agenda as well. Teaching young children that sex is on a spectrum, or that there are more than two sexes is happening in our schools today.

When most parents do not believe those assertions.

Remember when there were only two options?

Parents get involved.


Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion