Women Are Entitled To Male Free Spaces

When did this become a necessary thing to say?

From today’s evidence session for the Scottish reconsideration of the Gender Recognition Act (2004), a reconsideration that would allow “self-ID” to be the only relevant fact before extending a Gender Recognition Certificate to those identifying as Transgender.

Please see this post for more info on the GRA 2004 and “self-ID”


Kindly NO

Helen Joyce responds to a Labour Party member of Parliament, Stella Creasy, who recently stated that:

Labour Party infighting over this as Labour Chair Anneliese Dodds says “Stella Creasy is WRONG that women CAN be born with penises.”


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion

The “Good Liberal” Trans-Bubble Pop!

A long form interview, (if you have the time) on the calmversations podcast. Brit female moves to Canada and wakes up. For her enlightenment and her public discussion of it she is vilified as a TERF (Trans-exclusive-radical-feminist). She also had her Twitter account shut down.

Mia is most concerned about the effect on children. And Rapid Onset Gender Dyphoria (ROGD)1teenagers (mostly girls) suddenly identifying with G-D.. And how our school educators are “practicing psychotherapy without a license.”

Informative interview.


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion