The Pornographic Roots of Gender Ideology

Interview by Brendan O’Neill of feminist writer Genevieve Gluck.

I obviously think she is on to something here.

Brendan O’Neill: What role do you think pornography has played in the transformation of womanhood into something anyone can identify into? 

Genevieve Gluck: A lot of it starts with the sexualisation of surgery, which really got going through the pornography industry with things like breast implants. Within those procedures in pornography, we see the heightening and objectification of certain aspects of the body, and the sexualisation of body modification itself. Whether it is the breasts, the buttocks, the lips or any feature that you’re trying to highlight, it all points to a fetishisation of particular body parts.

A must read!

Parents, your kids via smartphone technology have access to material that would curl the toes of unobservant parents and grandparents. Take charge of the devices in your home.


A Good Start: Pornhub’s Day Of Reckoning

You wonder why so many adolescent girls are tossing their “girl card”? This might be reason numero uno!

Now if we can just stop gender activists from giving them the crazy idea that they can magically become boys instead.

Parents, take control of the devices you paid for and gave to your young children!

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A bad day for Pornhub is a great day for humankind.

A Porn-addled Image Of Heterosexuality

Another fine article by Eliza Mondegreen. She highlights a theme I’ve mentioned for many months now: The Pornification of Western Culture and its sad effect on our young people. Especially our girls. Leading them to seek refuge from their embodied selves.

Some of what’s going on is older than dirt: there’s a tremendous and ineradicable inequality between women and men when it comes to the burdens of human sexuality and reproduction. That’s hard to accept, particularly for girls. It really is unfair. And we’re stuck with it, at least as long as we’re human. 

As if that weren’t enough to freak out the girls (and more than a few boys), just add porn. Young people today are being sold an image of heterosexuality that is porn-addled to the core, all revolving around the idea that heterosexual contact is inherently exploitative and often degrading and violent. 

Many of these kids find porn before they ever experience intimacy themselves. No wonder so many run from the real thing or seek refuge in idiosyncratic identities that they hope will exempt them from dynamics they want no part in. If the options presented to you are oppressor or oppressed.

Seeking Refuge In An Idiosyncratic Sexual Identity

From an earlier post, I wrote:

And for God’s sake, parents, let’s do what we can to keep these girls and boys from viewing degrading online porn. If young girls see that crap they might desire to opt out of “being a woman.” Especially after being “properly” trained in Gender Identity theory from Kindergarten! [See this post for details.]

Smartphones, the Internet, & Social Media are part of the problem too. Take control of the devices you pay for! And ask other parents in your circle to do the same. This matters.

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What Are We Doing To Our Children?