Keira Bell

At the end of the documentary “Trans Mission: What’s the Rush to Reassign Gender? the case of Keira Bell was briefly touched upon. This may represent a turning-point as more legal action on behalf of adolescents and children who have de-transitioned becomes widespread. As surely it will.

Keira has decided to tell the Mail what happened to her, in order to highlight her plight and, she says, serve as a warning to others. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the protagonists in the legal action, her moving story gives us a piercing insight into the emotive area of transgender treatment
Keira Bell

In the High Court last year Keira Bell’s legal team successfully litigated her case against the UK’s child Gender-Identity clinic, The Tavistock Centre. Next stop was the Appeals Court, which just heard the appeal in June but has yet to rule on the appeal byTavistock.

This was not widely reported in the American press, but the ramifications for Transgender Ideology could be huge.

At the end of “Trans Mission” we were told that maybe lawsuits would finally stop this outrageous experiment on our children. One can only hope and pray so.

The details of Keira’s case are in this article by the DailyMail.

It may look like a tabloid piece with all the sensational adverts and other “stories” vying for your attention, but it’s not. It’s well worth your time to understand not only the details of Bell’s case but the cultural force of Gender Ideology.

Quotes from Keira:

'I felt I was not being listened to at school and blamed it on being a girl,' she explains. 
'I did not feel respected as a young woman compared with young men. I thought life would be better for me if I changed my sex.'

This is part of our problem! We’ve got to change this impression. I don’t have all the answers. But I don’t believe blaming “patriarchy” or teaching our young girls with our words and actions that men get all the breaks in the 21st Century Western world is going to help them much. You’ll just increase their sense of victimization. Individual young girls may in fact have been victims of abuse or broken single parent homes, or have other psychological stresses. And that’s tragic. And should be taken into account. But women in the Western world today have never been more liberated, more free to pursue goals they desire. So many women I know say it’s great to be a women & mother living in the Western world today. Tell our girls that, especially the ones who are toying with the fantasy of sex or gender change. (The vast majority of whom are white and/or come from economically secure backgrounds.) Help them in their brokenness. But tell them, also, the world has changed. We’ll keep sensibly advocating for more change where it is needed. But don’t throw in your sex card. That’s not the solution.

The “victimization trap” may play well in the world of radical politics, which is the animating force behind Gender Ideology. But it’s not a recipe for personal or social growth. Just grievance.

Also, we need to teach our young children it’s okay if they don’t conform to expected boy – girl behavioral type. It doesn’t mean they are not a boy or girl. We must stop propagating that fiction! And stop the bullying associated with that fiction too. There are only two sexes or two genders, and a variety of ways for individuals to express themselves. For example, parents with a sensitive boy who likes to read and doesn’t particularly like rough and tumble stuff should find other parents with boys like yours. Otherwise, in today’s world, he might get the erroneous idea that he’s a girl. That’s a road you don’t want to travel.

Same with “tomboy” girls.

Let them play with the opposite sex if they want to as well. But show them other same sex examples like them.

And for God’s sake, parents, let’s do what we can to keep these girls and boys from viewing degrading online porn. If young girls see that crap they might desire to opt out of “being a woman.” Especially after being “properly” trained in Gender Identity theory from Kindergarten! [See this post for details.]

Smartphones, the Internet, & Social Media are part of the problem too. Take control of the devices you pay for! And ask other parents in your circle to do the same. This matters.


The Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) has with permission published an article by The Economist about the the High Court’s ruling in favor of Keira Bell. The article also helpfully explores the issue. Here’s the link (important reading).

Important graphs:

“The first duty of medicine is ‘Do no harm’,” says a Canadian paediatrician. “In any other branch of medicine, if you were causing permanent sterility with body-altering surgery and cross-sex hormones, you had better have some pretty strong data...But we’re already going down that road with no strong data at all.”

A revealing statistic and comment by The Economist about the issue of “desistance(realigning with biological sex) and social contagion here:

Such “desistance” appears to be common. At least half a dozen medical studies show that between 61% and 98% of children presenting with gender-related distress were reconciled to their natal sex before adulthood. However, all these studies looked at children with early-onset dysphoria. One recent study on adolescent dysphoria among girls suggested that in many cases it is brought on by the influence of the internet, by female friends who have transitioned and by the miseries of puberty. [emphasis mine]

And yet we keep chopping up our children and altering their bodies irreversibly with surgery & hormones. God help us. Once someone reaches the legal age of maturity (18 in most countries) then they will be free to do what they feel they must. But not before.

In May the Karolinska Institute, the same institute that awards the Nobel Prize in Medicine, advised its hospital to stop hormone treatments and surgery for young people under 18!

Is this another turning-point?
In Australia the capital, Canberra, and the state of Queensland have outlawed “conversion therapy” in relation to sexual orientation or gender identity. So too have some American states. Canada is considering a similar law. This conflates two separate issues. Many people would say it is wrong to try to convert gay people into being straight. But the implicit definition of trans conversion therapy risks outlawing any counselling that helps children decide whether their dysphoria is permanent or a phase, and what to do about it. [emphasis mine & please read my post "Who Is The Conversion Therapist?"]
“I think there is going to be an avalanche of lawsuits,” says Dianna Kenny, recently retired professor of psychology at the University of Sydney. “But they won’t be in time to save a generation of adolescents who have been wrongly diagnosed as being trans.[emphasis mine]


Link Disclaimer :1 Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.


If you’ve just found my blog and are intrigued about this issue, and want to learn more, I highly recommend a book by Abigail Shrier.

Shrier is a graduate of Columbia College who went on to earn a bachelor of philosophy degree from the University of Oxford and a JD from Yale Law School.  Her book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters was named a “best book” by The Economist and The Times of London. [2020, 2021]

[As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.]

“Irreversible Damage” Interview

Since my “Starting Again” post (after leaving my blog dormant for a year) I’ve been pushing Abigail Shrier’s book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

I just came across a recent interview of Abigail. It is an excellent summary of the hypothesis of her book: the recent explosion of girls identifying as Transgender is because of social contagion. This is must see for those concerned about this issue. Please check it out below.

For more than a year, I’ve been thinking that Online Porn is a key reason why so many young girls identify as “boys” in the Western world. If you think your Smartphone toting 12 year old son or daughter are not watching some of the most revolting sexual images you can imagine, then you are deluding yourself. Boys are learning at a very young age how to objectify and denigrate women. Porn is stunting healthy sexual development. You don’t need a professional psychiatrist to tell you this. If they are not getting porn on their phone because you think you have “locked it down” (dream on!) then they are watching porn on the Smartphone of a friend. And many young girls are saying to themselves, if this is what it means to be a woman, get me outta here! I think Online Porn is a reason why some of our girls are checking out other options. It helps to explain the explosive growth of adolescent onset gender-dysphoria among our girls.

There are other forces at play as well. Deep depression. Personal trauma. Anxiety. Autism. But these co-morbidities are rarely analyzed before “fast-tracking” youths to transition.

Also I think something else is in play. Girls from middle and upper middle class backgrounds are constantly being told they are the victims of Patriarchy and that men get all the breaks in our 21st century western world. Plus, they are being told that if they are white then they are members of the oppressor class. (The vast majority of teens claiming to be Trans or non-binary are white girls from middle & upper middle class “progressive” families.) So coming out as Trans or Non-binary lends social credibility to their existence. It’s very socially rewarding. All they need to give up is “a pound of flesh.” And perhaps future fertility (though this is hardly mentioned). But they will receive praise and affirmation for their new-found “authentic” selves. This is where the influence of social media looms large.


The interviewer John Anderson and Abigail discuss Porn as well as the overall “affirming” environment that is “grooming” our girls and boys down the path toward exotic identity expressions. Unfortunately, unlike a tattoo or non-conforming hair and clothing styles, many of these expressions require medical intervention. We are witnessing the medicalization of identity. And our doctors, our technologists, our pharmaceutical representatives, who have mostly brought great good to our culture, must be asked some very demanding conflict of interest questions. We need to hold them accountable.

Because our children matter more than their bottom line.

Planned Parenthood’s new Cross-Sex Hormone revenue stream is not purely about “liberation.” In some of our states a 16 year old girl can walk into Planned Parenthood and without a note from a therapist or her mother can receive doses of testosterone 40 times the natural female level. I’m investigating “the money trail” argument and will be blogging about this soon.

But first this important interview.


The interviewer John Anderson served as Deputy Prime Minister of Australia for 6 years between 1999 and 2005 under John Howard. I recommend you “turn on” the CC (Closed Captioning) since he has an Australian accent that may be a little hard to understand for some of you, especially those with hearing loss <grin.>.


STANDARD LINK DISCLAIMER footnote:1 Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.


Again, Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters is a must read. She’s a fine and careful writer. And as she says in the interview above, the amount of vitriol sent her way for writing such a thoughtful book is shameful and also indicative of the fight ahead. But our children are worth that fight. Civil Society is worth that fight.

Of course, for my Christian Brothers and Sisters, we must fight the way Jesus fought. Silencing, deplatforming, cancelling, shouting down our ideological opponents is not Christian. We must listen to what they have to say. And then speak the Truth as we understand it. Unfortunately, the more I study this issue and the forces in play, I’m led to the conclusion that the Gender Ideologues are not terribly interested in dialogue or viewpoint diversity. For them, this is a massive Power Play.

If you disagree with them, as I do. You need to learn and take a stand. I hope to help you in that effort.

Full disclosure. I recently became an Amazon Affiliate. So I will receive a very small percentage of the sale of any books I recommend on my blog. Just so you know.


If you haven’t already added your email to my list, do so and I’ll let you know when the blog is updated. 
