Leave Those Kids Alone!

Adults, stand and protect.

DeSantis Goes After Foundation for Lewd Drag Show Event With Children Present


What Are We Doing To Our Children?

Viral Misinformation in our Schools

This is a lesson for 10 year olds!

Yang is right. This derangement will not stop until we stop it.

Here’s one effort to do just that.


Stand Up For Children and Parents!

First ‘Gender-Queer’ Priest in the Church of England

As a Christian, I know that separating the soul from the body is the definition of death. Those who believe their ‘authentic self’ has nothing to do with their physical body are engaged in a death wish.

Christians who love God and their neighbor cannot affirm such a wish. And we surely should not ordain as pastors the deeply confused.

Church of England Priest Bingo Allison prefers they/them pronouns (Image: Bingo Allison)

Church of England priest on how God guided them on their journey of becoming queer

To Bingo Allison’s knowledge, they are the first openly non-binary priest to be ordained in the Church of England.

It was while writing an essay on how God created the earth that Bingo had an epiphany. They said the language which the bible originally used in Genesis 1:27 spoke about “from maleness to femaleness” as opposed to men and women.

They added: “I was sitting there in the middle of the night when I realised I might need to run my life upside down. It was a deepening spiritual experience, I properly felt God was guiding me into this new truth about myself. One of the things that has kept with my ministry ever since is that transition and coming out can and should be a spiritual experience, as well as an emotional and social and sometimes physical one. There is something beautiful about growing into who we were created to be and growing into our authentic selves.”

I suspect we will soon hear of a few other Christian denominations that have also fallen into this death trap.


God Help The Body Of Christ