Misgendering Is Not Violence – Podcast

The Good Creation Podcast – Misgendering Is Not Violence

Podcast Script

All of us must be horrified at the outbreak of real violence over the weekend against a Gay and Lesbian Club in Colorado Springs. Apparently a 22 year old man who had previous run-ins with the Law and by some accounts had previously demonstrated mental illness, yet nonetheless, that young man acquired a gun and killed 5 night club members.

18 others were wounded as well. Send your prayers out to them. And pray for Justice.

But what we should not do, because of kookoo birds like that loon, is attempt to silence honest discussion about the current debate raging in the Western world.

If you believe you are born in the wrong body or that your biological sex is not part of who you really are, then you have a dissociative disorder. You have a mental illness that must be squarely faced and lovingly treated. The discomfort is real. I know. And you need help.

There are those who disagree.

On Nov. 12, Jennifer Lima a Rhode Island school district committee member shared a post from an activist group which said the following:  “Purposefully misgendering students is an act of violence. Respond accordingly.”

Adding to this statement, Lima included the definition from the World Health Organization. She said, “any act of violence in our schools which creates an unsafe environment (physically or emotionally by or for any member of the school community) needs to be dealt with accordingly.”

Source:  Fox News (I'd really like to include other U.S. legacy news sources on this issue, but they by and large do not run stories critical of Gender Ideology.  Though, I've noticed recently that is starting to change.  More about that at another time.)
Jennifer Lima

For those who don’t know. Misgendering can occur if you use the wrong preferred pronoun. Or if you refuse to admit in any way that a man can become a woman or vice versa. If you do that, according to this Gender Activist and many others like her, you have committed “an act of violence.”

As a Christian, I’m all in favor of using inoffensive language. But the use of language that denies reality is more than slightly problematic. Therefore, I won’t use someone’s preferred pronoun if that pronoun doesn’t correspond with physical reality.

I don’t have a problem using someone’s preferred name since names are merely conventional. But pronouns like she/he & her/him reflect the reality of God’s bi-natured creation and cannot reasonably be changed anymore than you can change your sex. Soul and Body were meant by God to be integrated parts of a single whole person.

I can’t lie about that.

I use sex-based pronouns for people.  I do so out of deeply held beliefs.  Rational Beliefs derived from Science, Natural Law and Religious Authority.  So I’m going to insist that you please respect my beliefs as well.

Of course, it is true, sometimes we can’t tell someone’s biological sex. But when we do know…..we must speak truthfully. For those who wish to point out the existence of “Intersex” people, that is to say, those with a Disorder of Sexual Development (DSD), as a reason for adopting a more flexible stance on sex, gender and pronouns, I’m going to address DSD’s in a future podcast.  So stay tuned.

Language matters, my friends.

If I’m in the presence of someone who wishes to deny biological reality, I will respectfully avoid the use of pronouns. It won’t be easy. But that’s where I draw the language line.


Below is a table of both gendered and gender-neutral pronouns, along with their pronunciations. It is important to note, though, that some people do not subscribe to any pronoun and may like to be referred to by name only. [My Policy]. I’m simply not going to use a preferred pronoun if it denies biological reality, the reality of God’s good creation.  I won’t do it.  

The table below is not an exhaustive list. 

SheHerHersshee, hur, hurs
HeHimHishee, him, hiz
They*Them*Theirs*thei, them, thehrz
XeXemXyrszee, zem, zeres
ZeHirHirszee, here, heres
ZeZirZirszee, zere, zeres
EEmEirsay, em, airs

* Though they / them / theirs are traditionally plural, these pronouns can be used as singular in a particular context. Example: Janice scored well on their final paper; they received an A

Another real world example may be found in a previous post “For Women Scotland.” If you follow the Twitter link there you will be able to read the news story about the convicted sex criminal, Laura Miller, who identifies as gender-neutral . Laura is a biological male. Here’s how the news story about Miller’s crime begins:

A pervert who filmed themselves sexually assaulting a sleeping woman has been jailed for almost two years.   

For the uninitiated “themselves” does not refer to more than one pervert but to a single person who identifies as gender-neutral and whose preferred pronouns are “they/them/theirs“. The journalist Jenni Gee would be guilty of “misgendering” if she had used different pronouns in reference to Miller. In fact, in some jurisdictions in the Western world, you may be brought up on charges for misgendering someone. 

(See the video I posted below for evidence of the criminalization of wrong pronoun usage!)

The “TQ+” of the ever expanding Gender acronym is rightly regarded as a fiction by the majority of us in the Western world. And virtually all non-westerners. The majority of Western parents don’t want their children taught that it is possible to change your sex or your gender. They don’t want their children taught that their “authentic self” has nothing to do with their bodies. And if they are Christians they know, or at least they ought to know, that our bodies are gifts from God as mediated through our parents and not something chosen by us. But something lovingly given to us.

This majority will rightly oppose any real physical violence against those who self-identify as Queer or Trans or whatever the + means. They will oppose any verbal or physical abuse directed toward all people.

But they can not affirm what they believe is a Big Lie.

They can’t affirm the mutilation of children’s bodies.

They won’t do that. And they will not be silenced.

Watch the video below about the criminalization of pronoun usage & misgendering. I’ve provided minute:second markers to help.

Notable sections in the video

(6:20). “One of the basic rules of safeguarding (our children) and something we saw with the Catholic Church….” Please pay close attention to the “sacred class, a class that cannot be questioned” statement.

(11:46). “People need to start getting angry, because these are fundamental human rights we are letting slip away. Our police appear to be out of control.”

(12:29). “I was piqued, I became an activist after what the NSPCC (U.K. children’s charity) did back in 2019, when an employee of theirs dressed in some sort of rubber fetish gear masturbated at work, filmed it and provided a link to the video on his LinkedIn profile. And various people raised concern that this was happening in the offices of a children’s charity. In defense of their employee the NSPCC tweeted ‘anyone who comes at us with this homophobic nonsense we will report you.'”

(14:35). Comments about misgendering. Which can get you arrested these days in the U.K. and other Western countries.


  • Stonewall = LGBTQ+ rights organization in U.K.
  • Self-ID = Simply say you are a preferred gender and you will be treated as such. “A slight of hand that swaps sex for gender.” (see 1:23 of video for details)
  • Misgendering = referring to someone with the wrong preferred pronoun
  • Girlguides = U.K. girl’s organization similar to Girl Scouts in U.S.


Is this the world we want to live in? We better come up with some answers quick. Things are moving swiftly. 


Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion

‘Transition’ Destroyed My Life

In the Netherlands, the number of people going to gender clinics with doubts about their sex is increasing dramatically. How many of them will later regret any surgery? HP/De Tijd spoke to Maarten, who went into transition at 16 to become a woman. Now he regrets his hormone treatment and facial surgery. “They never discussed self-acceptance with me.”

Full Story

A Few Grab Graphs

"On the internet, I watched YouTube channels of transgender people telling how great their lives were. There were also American psychologists - at least that's what they called themselves - offering help and claiming: if you doubt your gender, you are not ‘cis’ anyway. If you do doubt, you are ‘trans’." (“Cis” or “cisgender” means you have no problem with the gender you were born with - ed.)

One explanation for the trans boom is that it has made society increasingly open-minded about sex and gender, lowering the threshold for coming out with a different identification. The question is whether this adequately explains the explosion of trans cases. Something like social acceptance never suddenly changes, so why would this lowering of the threshold apply predominantly to teenage girls? Another explanation is that gender studies and queer theory have evolved into a subculture and ideology, trans ideology, which has spread via the internet and has a strong appeal to teenagers who are insecure, isolate themselves, get into that subculture online and turn on each other. It is cool to be trans, but trans is not a disease or condition, it is an identity, a “marginalised” identity, that has to fight for rights and recognition. More trans clinics, for example, and less medical “gatekeeping”. 
Maarten: "On trans forums, I also talked to older trans women who had transitioned later in life and they said, ‘You are still young, you can still stop puberty. Look at me, I still look male; I only transitioned after puberty. You can prevent that, but you have to start as soon as possible.’ That got me worked up."
“I was 16 when I ended up at the gender clinic of the UMCG, Groningen's university hospital, via my GP. During one of the consultations I had there, my mother came along. She said she didn't believe I was trans. That my problems had to do with other things, like my homosexuality and my parent’s divorce, but they didn't listen to her. I had the impression that they thought: that woman just doesn't want her son to be trans.”

Marian: “I said during the first interview at the gender clinic that I was worried that maybe other things were going on with Maarten. I asked: what are the checks that he won't regret it later? They replied that the procedures were careful, that they did extensive psychological testing and that regrets were very rare. 

"During a later conversation, I mentioned that Maarten still did not want everyone to know, that he also did not wear girls’ clothes and make-up, and that I wondered if his problems were not because he did not accept his orientation and was highly gifted, which made him feel different from others. I said I was afraid that transitioning might exacerbate the problems. That was hard to say in front of Maarten. As a parent, I had a dichotomy: I wanted to support my child, but I also had my worries. I just wanted my child to be happy - as a boy or a girl; it didn't matter to me.

"I trusted that I could safely hand over my child and his problems to the experts. But we swam into a trap. Pretty soon, he was diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Maarten dismissed my concerns: after all, the experts had made the diagnosis, so it was correct."

After testosterone inhibitors, estrogen pills, face surgery (to look more feminine), and just before a scheduled vaginoplasty, Maarten realized after all the changes he was not any happier and so decided to Detransition.

Marian: "Maarten has been damaged for life. I'm so sorry I didn't listen to my feelings better and get cross with him. But I also wanted to support him, you understand? They need to be much more careful with children who suddenly think they are trans during puberty. They need to look much more closely to see if there are no other issues at play."

Maarten: "I'm in therapy now. My therapist was shocked that this could have happened under the supervision of psychologists. I think those psychologists should have said: you have such a complex past, first go into therapy to process all that and then come back. I wouldn't have liked that, but I would never have come back, I'm sure.

Read the whole thing.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Or listen to this podcast


What Are We Doing To Our Children?

Normalizing The ‘Female’ Bulge

Day 74 of ‘girlhood’ for Dylan Mulvaney, Transgender TikTok celebrity. Dylan has 8.3 million followers on TikTok.

Speaking of ‘normalizing’ things, a few days ago, day 222 of Dylan’s ‘girlhood,’ Mulvaney interviewed our current president.


Day 222- talking to the president at the White House with @nowthis (interview goes live on Sunday Night!) #trans #whitehouse #nowthisnews

♬ Presidential Honors (Entrance of The President) – USMMA Band

Dylan Mulvaney Questions Biden at 19:18

I’m not a political pundit/prognosticator but I’ve had a suspicion for some time that the upcoming election will be a blowout for the Republicans. Multiple reasons. Economics. Crime. Excessive school closings during pandemic.

But this widespread “normalizing” effort is another reason.

Most parents do not want this internet influencer influencing their children. And they certainly don’t want their teachers at school normalizing biology denialism and its ‘female’ bulge.

We are a tolerant nation. But if you get between most parents and their children, a political price will be paid. Long-time advocates for School Choice see an opening here.

I could be wrong, but I think you’re going to see a dramatic shift this election cycle. With Independents and Latinos leading the way because of inflation and crime. But also because most Independents & Latinos don’t buy the delusion Dylan is selling. Nor should they.

Companion Posts

Schools & Gender Ideology


Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion