The Little Mermaid, Updated

Philosopher Kathleen Stock has something of a writers block. She simply can’t write “one more straight-faced sentence about the ludicrous, off-the-charts batshittery of mainstream LGBT organisations.” (Remember, Stock is a Gender Critical Feminist, who is also a Lesbian.)

So she decided to update “The Little Mermaid” fantasy.

Once upon a time, at a hospital where Birthing-Persons give birth to children of indeterminate sex, a trans child is being born.

This is a special child. Unbeknownst to all, something called a gender identity lies within the newborn as it innocently sleeps. A bit like the seed in Jack’s pocket yet to grow into a beanstalk, this gender identity has yet to germinate and unfold. But one day it will.

Soon thereafter, the sex-assigning fairies arrive at the hospital, and sort the newborns into two groups: half into boy-babies, and half into girl-babies. Our hero is assigned “boy” by the sex-assigning fairies.  Nobody objects, for they know no different. The gender identity needs time to germinate. It is not ready yet.

[the rest of the fantasy story]


The Nebulous Nihilism Of Transgenderism

From Andrew Sullivan, who gets near the root of this phenom sweeping the Western world: nihilism. Nothing has a real existence. So we can just make crap up, if we want to. Disregard the body. Disregard what most people would call reality.

Sullivan is a prominent writer who happens to be gay. Here are the first few graphs of his latest article: The Gender Identity Of … Eunuchs. Or Dolphins.

What is gender identity? Since this very new term is now cemented in law, corporate practice, and now medicine as well, it’s a good question. 

Here is an official description from HRC, the biggest “queer” lobby: 

One’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves.

The key word, it seems to me, is neither. It means that your gender may not have anything to do with being male or female or on any kind of masculine/feminine spectrum. Your gender identity can be a tree, a fish, a Nazi, a puddle, or an earthworm — and these innermost identities must always be affirmed and be protected in law.

And now, according to the latest standards of the World Professional Association For Transgender Health (WPATH), children may identify as eunuchs! “Gender-affirming care” is castration.

Eunuch individuals will present themselves clinically in various ways. They wish for a body that is compatible with their eunuch identity—a body that does not have fully functional male genitalia. Some other eunuch individuals feel acute discomfort with their male genitals and need to have them removed to feel comfortable in their bodies … 

Like other gender diverse individuals, eunuch individuals may be aware of their identity in childhood or adolescence. Due to the lack of research into the treatment of children who may identify as eunuchs, we refrain from making specific suggestions.

WPATH Standards of Care (version 8)

Read the whole thing.

Companion Posts

Sullivan is seen in this Bill Maher video discussing the erroneous charge of “conversion therapy.”


This may sound extreme to some, but as a Christian, I must say, there are dark powers at work here.

Sexual Disturbance

The nations largest teacher’s union promotes a how-to guide for “anal sex,” “bondage,” “sadomasochism,” and “fisting.” For those who think “grooming” is not happening, you are dreaming. By the way pushing young people to accept a deeply flawed gender ideology, is still grooming. It doesn’t have to involve pedophilia. But as you’ll see in the companion posts, you also can’t rule out pedophilia possibilities. More than a few detranstioners/desisters testify to being approached online by disguised predators.

[By the way, accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and PayPal are being cancelled because users are posting the word “grooming” in their posts.]

Read this and weep.

Companion Posts

Parents, get informed.

Please read my last post.


What Are We Doing To Our Children?