Detransitioner, Helena Kerschner, Evolutionary Biologist, Colin Wright, and Endocrinologist, Michael Laidlaw all questioning the science of the Gender Industry.
Jennifer Lahl, President of TheCenter for Bioethics and Culture moderates. Lahl produced and released an important documentary last year called…
I’m a Classic Christian and think Gender Ideology is anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.
"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]
If you would like more detail on how my Christian worldview informs my understanding of Sex and today’s Gender Ideology please read the following posts.
Stephanie Davies-Arai has been awarded a British Empire Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honors List for service to Children. Her website Transgender Trend – No Child Is Born in the Wrong Body has been tireless in its advocacy for children.
To me this is not only vindication of my work over the past seven years. This is recognition for all the parents who have been vilified for simply wanting a proper standard of care for their children. It is confirmation that their concerns are valid and not born of bigotry. My hope is that this honour will give all parents more confidence in challenging a system that is failing children and in holding schools to account for teaching their children non-scientific concepts as truth.
Everyone who cares about the safeguarding and wellbeing of children welcomes open debate and exchange of views. Tactics to silence debate create fear of speaking up and puts children at risk. I am proud to have played my part in facilitating discussion about the treatment of children who experience gender-related distress and I am honoured to have my work recognised as being in the service of children.
You can read about Stephanie and her fight for our young people here.
A long form interview with her by Benjamin Boyce will fill in the details about her efforts and the history of the Trans phenomena in the U.K.
To say that a "woman" is an abstract idea which is indefinable and anybody can use their own idea of it becomes completely subjective and meaningless term in the realm of ideas. And it's disembodied. So it's completely disassociated. So I think the whole "trans" movement is a dehumanizing movement...
Matt Walsh was featured in a previous post. Here is a portion….
If anyone needs a Primer on the question of what is a Man or Woman, please read my “What is Sex” post.
Essentially, we tell the difference based on reproductive capacities. Well, most of us do.
Again, this is not about loving confused people. But you are not loving someone if you affirm their false perception of who they are. Simply attaching ”marginalized” to a person or group is not enough to decide the matter, and shutdown debate. There is much more at stake here than someone’s feelings.
Matt Walsh is known for stumping transgender activists by asking them to define what a woman is. The author appeared on an episode of “Dr. Phil” in January and asked LGBT activists Ethan and Addison just that, tripping up the activist:
“What is a woman? Can you tell me what a woman is?” Walsh queried.
“No, I can’t,” Ethan admitted, “because it’s not for me to say. Womanhood looks different for everybody.”
Speaking to Addison, Walsh stated, “You stood up here and said, ‘Trans women are women.’ What is a woman?”
“Womanhood is … something that I cannot define,” Addison said.
“But you used the word,” Walsh pushed back. “So what did you mean when you said, ‘Trans women are women’?”
“I do not define what a woman is because I do not identity as a woman,” Addison responded. “Womanhood is something that is an umbrella term.”
“That describes what?” Walsh interjected.
“People who identify as a woman,” Addison said.
Walsh, again, pressed, “Identify as what?”
“A woman,” Addison said. “What is that?” Walsh pressed.
“To each their own,” Addison said, adding that “each person” is “going to have a different relationship with their own gender identity and define it differently. So, trans women are women.”
“You won’t even tell me what the word means though, so that’s the problem,” Walsh responded.
end of previous post….
Walsh has just produced a video on the conservative website Some of my readers won’t like that source, but as I frequently write:
Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found there. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.
Here are some snippets from the video “What Is a Woman.” This is how disconnected from reality we have become.
Coming June 1. My journey to find the answer to the great question of our time. You will not want to miss this film. #WhatIsAWoman
This is why they don’t want you to see #WhatIsAWoman. It’s because of moments like this. Gender ideology is an insane, incoherent mess.
Matt Walsh documentary shows pediatrician saying prepubescent kids are ready for trans hormone therapy 'whenever they ask for it' and claiming you can 'pause' hormones 'like music'
Scott Newgent is the hero of the film. Such a remarkable contrast between the raw openness and honesty in this interview and the evasiveness and defensiveness from the “experts” I spoke to.
Walsh interviewing Women’s Studies Professor “Truth is Transphobic”
Speaking philosophically, you’ve just witnessed radical individualism on display. According to the gender ideology advocates, individuals are entirely self-defining and autonomous. Their perceived ”reality” is purely subjective, with no unimaginative boundaries. Any genetic contribution made by someone’s male and female parents doesn’t matter. Neither does God’s contribution.
The radical individualist says: ”I can be whatever I want to be!”
No, actually, you cannot.
If you think you are a bird and can fly. You cannot.
If you imagine you are a penis-having, testicle-carrying, person-with-prostate, woman. You are not.
Come down off the ledge you’ve been encouraged to leap from. Plenty of people want to help you.
Speaking theologically, and as a Christian I must, there are two components to God’s created reality. Call them the invisible world and the visible world. Or to shrink it down to a more personal level, Mind/Soul & Body. The goal of any Therapist, Christian or otherwise, is reintegration of Mind & Body. Not a fictitious, perhaps technology assisted, separation of the two.