School District Board Director Runs “All-Ages” Sex Shop

Wink Wink Boutique in Bellingham, Washington says:

“We believe that normalizing, accepting, and affirming all bodies, identities, and gender experiences is an inherently political act. Pleasure is our revolution,” reads Wink Wink’s website.

Wink Wink Boutique owner is Bellingham School Board Director, Jenn Mason. She is under criticism for a recent “Queer Youth Open Mic” night for ages 0-18 years old.
Mason also sells breast binders for girls and ‘penis packers‘ for teens — silicone members intended for adolescent girls — and provides in-store fittings. In addition, she sells ‘transmasc pumps‘ designed to extend female anatomy by means of suction; included with the product is a ruler to measure size.

Full story here, including descriptions of some of the sex-education books on display for children.

Instagram page is enlightening as well.

You know, running for the School Board in your area is one response to all of this. Just one.


Is this the world we want to live in?

I’m a Classic Christian and regard Gender Ideology as anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

If you would like more detail on how my Christian worldview informs my understanding of Sex and today’s Gender Ideology please read the following posts.

Love refuses to affirm confusion.


Gender Queer & School Choice

All over the country in the last 9 months, parents and politicians are calling on School Boards to remove objectionable material from their schools. For example, Gov Greg Abbott of Texas sent a letter to the state’s school board association saying public schools shouldn’t distribute “pornographic or obscene material.”

School Districts all around the country are removing objectionable material from their school libraries. Some call this “book banning.”

You are not banning a book by restricting the distribution of the book to minors. Is Playboy, or Penthouse, or Hustler, etc., being BANNED because you have to be 18 to purchase/view those publications?


Two books in particular are being taken off school library shelves. Gender Queer, A Memoir by Maia Kebabe & Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison.

Kobabe and Evison noted during recent interviews an irony of their books being targeted: Neither set out to write a story for young people. But they gained a following among students with the help of the American Library Association, which has given each book an Alex Award for works "written for adults that have special appeal to young adults, ages 12 through 18." - USA Today

OK put on your parent’s “hat” and ask yourself, is this appropriate material for ages 12-18? We’ll just look at the first one. Kebabe was born female. But identifies as Non-Binary.


Yes, I know, 12-18 year olds access material far more graphic than this on their Smartphones.

Still, to have an institution of learning, our public school libraries, institutions put in place by our tax dollars, to have them supporting the distribution of material like this gives that material our tacit approval.

Some parents may approve. But the majority will not. And the rights of those parents deserve to be respected.

One parent at a Chicago School Board meeting said: “It’s not your right to decide if our minor children should have access to pornography.”

You could argue about the “pornography” bit, but most would agree this is inappropriate material for TWELVE YEAR OLDS!

When one school board member in Spotsylvania County Virginia suggested “those books” should be tossed in a fire, NPR finished their article about this with the words: “Book Burning was a practice perpetuated in Nazi Germany in order to oppress authors and ideas that were in opposition to Nazi ideology.”

Things are heating up.

Almost everyone would be opposed to book burning. That’s not what this is about. Book banning, either. Again…

You are not banning a book by restricting the distribution of the book to minors. Is Playboy, or Penthouse, or Hustler, etc., being BANNED because you have to be 18 to view those publications?

Parents. Get to know what is going on in your schools. And exercise your civic rights on behalf of your children.

Please refer to my category ”Schools & Gender Ideology” for examples.

It’s time to bring School Choice back into our political discussions.

Many today call for public education reform so that the money “follows the student” instead of going to designated school districts, some of which are failing academically, as well as failing to live up to the historic in loco parentis1in place of the parent expectation. These reformers insist the 1964 Civil Right’s Act anti-discrimination guidelines will still be followed, guidelines which specifically reference “race, color, religion, national origin” and “sex” discrimination. Nobody wants to “turn back the clock” on those advances. Practical matters like transportation issues can be worked out. These reformers say, let the parents pick the schools on a rational geographic basis. If your local school is “preaching” a gender ideology that you as a parent disagree with, then you should have the flexibility to send your child elsewhere. Just like in Sweden, where the money follows the child. You are not locked into a particular school simply because of where you live. We need to allow parents creative choice solutions to a very real and for them disturbing trend in education.

I would personally support something like the Swedish education model without disregarding the religious “free exercise” clause in our Constitution. A clause which supports freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Otherwise, we would veer off into anti-religious bigotry. A very real concern these days.

Here is an interesting link about the Swedish Culture and Economy. We have been told that Swedish society is based on a socialist model. Well, that was then. 30 years ago. This is now. At around 33:43 into the video, they start talking about how the Swedes do public education. But you might want to watch the whole thing.


Some think this too extreme, which given the current state of public education in America, I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to experiment with different solutions.

I know many public school educators. I have great respect for most of them. But, I’ve personally witnessed more than a few inadequate teachers, administrators and failing schools. So if you think American parents will accept this new understanding of in loco parentis2In Place of the Parent and simply roll with gender ideology, you might be mistaken. After the remote learning experience of the last 2 years & the unwillingness of schools to reopen, many parents are deciding to pull the plug on the current local school option, if at all possible.

Obviously for most parents this is not feasible. But if the money followed the student they just might vote with their feet. And I wouldn’t blame them.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Being Excluded From Your Own Body

Here is a 2018 YouTube video (approx 17 minutes) of Professor Michele Moore (Univ of Essex), editor and chief of Disability & Society, a peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of disability studies.

Moore has been a warrior for children and young people yet has been harshly denounced for disagreeing with Gender Identity activists who claim that self-identified “transkids” are always right and should always be “affirmed” in their belief that they are Transgender.

She touches on several topics discussed by this blog.

  • Rapid Onset Gender-Dysphoria (ROGD) – teenagers (mostly girls) suddenly identifying with G-D
  • Social Contagion – teens identifying as trans in “friendship groups” offline and online
  • Schools Deceiving Parents About Social Transition
  • Social Services removing children from “non-affirming” parents.
  • 4,500 percent increase in girls identifying as transgender over last decade in UK
  • “Conversion Therapy” Deception
  • 2/3 of Self-ID “trans” teenagers previously identified with mental health disorders
  • 35% of children referred to UK Tavistock Gender Clinic are on autistic spectrum
  • 80% desistance rate once they go through puberty using “watchful waiting”
  • Normalizing dissociation from your natural body
  • Lifelong Medicalization of Identity
  • New kind of Homophobia
  • Experimentation on the bodies of our children
  • No child born in the wrong body
  • Self-ID of gender is illusory

This is about inclusion. Listen….

Here are some of her final words in the video….

I argue that self identity is brought on by the things people say.  A backdrop of media, the internet, the increasing role of trans affirmative ideas in schools for children that affect our teachers and the parents....uncritical medical practice is recycling the idea that the cause of misaligned gender resides in the body.  Even though medical interventions bring lifelong physical and psychological difficulties that will actually deepen gender-based dissatisfaction and never actually change a person's biological sex....

It's not coincidental that children's interests are being undermined by the idea of self-identification.  There are a lot of stakeholders including Big Pharma who want them to identify as transgender and who don't want anybody to ask any sensible questions.  Very conveniently puberty blockers and hormone therapy compounds gender confusion.  First the child misses out on the puberty of their peers.  Next an already confused girl has a vagina and a beard.  The only way forward is more treatment, more treatment.  Allegedly to relieve gender-dysphoria.  

But the DeTransitioners that I'm working with and the people who regret transitioning tell us that gender-dysphoria doesn't go away with medical intervention because the problem doesn't reside in the body.  

My critique is not about exclusion.  It's about inclusion.  It's about allowing every girl to live her own kind of femininity without being excluded from her own body and without being excluded from a female sex class.  And it's about inclusion so that any boy wants to wear pink dresses to school can do that and not be excluded from his own body.  And his own sex class.  

The idea that children are born in the wrong body, that gender is biological and sex isn't, and that children should be allowed to self-identify their sex and their gender, functions as a tool for adult self interest.  Children are being confused in terrible ways...

Professor Moore puts her career and reputation on the line by saying what she says. She has “nerves of steel.”

Gender Ideologues animated by Queer Theory want to abolish the concepts of sex and sexuality. And they want to start teaching this to our kids at the earliest possible age. Please refer to the following “category” of posts: Schools and Gender Ideology for more information.

You can read about Queer Theory in the previous post: The New Homophobia, LGBTQ Activism & Queer Theory.


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

For anyone interested in an extended review of the Gender-Critical Pro-Creation argument presented on this blog, but without having to scroll through every post, please visit the Menu at the top of each page and click on the Top Posts link.