Which State Is The School Choice King & Queen?

Rural School Room, 1900, by Perkins Harnly
Courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Washington

According to this opinion piece, after a few upstarts vied for the title, Florida still retains the school choice crown.

I’ve blogged about Parental Rights and School Choice initiatives previously. In particular, Christian parents are fed up with what they’ve learned about their local schools. The Pandemic, school closings, remote learning, and the Gender Ideology taught and deceptively defended there, have brought School Choice initiatives back to the forefront of parental concerns.

The opinion piece is about how Florida has passed a new law that expands school choice options for all students in the state. The law allows families to use education savings accounts (ESA) to pay for various educational expenses, such as tuition at a private school, tutoring, or curriculum. The law also removes income restrictions and enrollment caps for the ESA program. The article praises Florida for being a leader in school choice and says that the law will give more freedom and opportunities to families and students.

Florida is the sixth state to pass universal school choice legislation, following West Virginia, Arizona, Iowa, Utah, and Arkansas.

This could be the biggest year for school choice in American history.

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God Made Us Male Or Female

Freedom of Religion & Speech

Father Sean Gough: Credit ADF UK

Father Sean Gough, a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, England, faced criminal charges for praying for free speech outside an abortion clinic after business hours in violation of a strict buffer zone law in the English city of Birmingham. “I pray wherever I go, inside my head, for the people around me. How can it be a crime for a priest to pray?” he said in a Feb. 9, 2023, statement from the ADF UK legal group.

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Father Sean Gough, a priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, England, stood near a closed abortion clinic on Station Road in Birmingham with a sign that said “praying for free speech.”. Credit: ADF UK


Unborn Lives Matter!

Why Would A Christian Chaplain Let That Pass?

Challenging essay about the plight and right of Rev Dr. Bernard Randall to speak up if he thinks Gender Ideology opposes Christian Theology.

Dr Randall was referred to the anti-terrorism Prevent programme and initially sacked for gross misconduct by the fee-paying Trent College in Derbyshire after he told pupils they were free to criticise the school’s LGBT policy

...this is not simply about supporting LGBT pupils — even supposing we think that LGB and T belong together (the LGB Alliance and many others don’t). It is about an ideology which wishes to break down society, and remould it into … well, I know not what. It’s about Queer Theory, and disrupting all categories. That’s why the mantra “smash heteronormativity” describes Educate and Celebrate’s work so very well. But as human beings we navigate the world by categories — it means we don’t have to process every piece of sensory input or information separately and afresh. The destruction of categories means mental overload, loss of the ability to make timely decisions, paralysis, and chaos. I’m pretty sure no Christian would support chaos. Nor would any reasonable person. Yes, categories, stereotypes, sometime mislead us, but the way to deal with that is to be alert to them, not to dispense with them altogether.

What’s more, Queer Theory has roots in Marxism and Postmodernism, and is thus a manifestly atheist system. Again, why would a Christian chaplain just let that pass? 

Source: The Critic

Well he/she shouldn’t. Even if doing so makes enemies. As it will.


Who Are The Extremists?