“Anti-Conversion Therapy” Laws

From the site SexMatters this letter writing campaign to UK members of government.

U.S. citizens should express concerns to their representatives too.

These so-called “anti-conversion therapy” laws massively overreach and disregard both free speech and religious liberties.

Here’s the letter they recommend UK citizen’s send to their representatives.

I was disappointed to see the photograph of you holding a placard that says “I support a trans-inclusive ban”.

This sounds like a clear slogan to get behind – but this is not a straightforward issue. I urge you to think again.

Affirming that a child is “trans” is not similar to sexual orientation. Childhood gender distress often resolves, and extreme treatments that involve social transition, cross-sex hormones and a pathway to surgery and sterilisation should never be routine.

I am sending you two reports that I hope you will read. One is by Dr Hilary Cass, former President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, on NHS gender identity services for children. The other is by Sex Matters, based on its research on the campaign to ban conversion therapy.

Dr Cass’s interim report sets out serious concerns about how children are being treated – not using normal clinical standards for exploring the causes of gender distress, but being declared as “trans” by their school and doctors after self-diagnosing. Her report highlights that a high proportion of those presenting at gender clinics are children and young people in care, with autism or experience of abuse, and those who would likely grow up to be lesbian or gay.

Threatening teachers, parents, foster carers, clinicians and youth workers with prison, fines and a criminal record if they disagree with a child’s self-diagnosis is not the way to get these children the support they need.

The call to “include trans in the ban” is presented as a simple moral test, but it obscures the complexity and uncertainty about the cause of so many children declaring themselves trans. Inclusion in a new criminal law will make it harder for children experiencing gender distress to get careful therapy, or to get support in school and in the community that does not simply “affirm” them as being “born in the wrong body” and needing a lifetime of hormone treatment and surgery.

I would like to meet to discuss this.

The Cass Review – an interim report to the National Health Service England.

Although not mentioned, Christian Pastoral Counseling will be effected by these proposed UK laws as well.

See this relevant post: Christian “Hate Crimes?

And this one: Who Is The Conversion Therapist?


As a Classic Christian I encourage everyone to “Embrace, Don’t Affirm.”

Individuals with a Gender Identity Disorder (Gender-Dysphoria) need Truth-filled Love. Please read this post for more details.

Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion

Christian “Hate Crimes?”

Upcoming posts will discuss the current move in Europe and beyond to criminalize a form of Christian Therapy that Evangelical Christians have employed.

But first this unseemly development on the Religious Freedom front.

A Finnish prosecutor has charged two Christians with hate crimes for publicly expressing their Christian beliefs about sex and marriage. One member of parliament and a bishop of the Lutheran church found themselves in a Finnish hate crime crosshair. A government minister (MP) recently raised hate crime suspicions by tweeting a negative opinion of her Church’s leadership because of their intent to sponsor a Pride Parade.

For that expression of her deeply held beliefs (that many Christians may oppose) and some previous statements by her from years ago, she has been charged with a hate crime.

Hard to believe. But here are the details. By the way, the interviewer in the video below says he is baffled by this even though he is a gay Catholic. You should be too.


Again, many Christians may disagree with the MP and the Lutheran Bishop but surely we can agree that this shouldn’t be a prosecutable offense.

Is this the world we want to live in?

You can find more information about this story here. (The usual link disclaimer applies. 1Links from this blog to online resources don’t necessarily mean I support everything found on these sites. But as adults we should embrace viewpoint diversity. And make alliances where we can.)

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

This is a follow up on Dr. Randall, the U.K. Chaplain dismissed for telling the students under his charge that it was okay as Christians in a free society to respectfully disagree with LGBTQ+ teaching. No matter what you think of his viewpoint, this story should be disturbing to all who value religious freedom and freedom of expression.

For his views Randall was reported to the U.K. government’s terrorist watchdog, Prevent, as a potentially violent religious extremist and fired by the school, Trent College. In addition to that, the school also reported him to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) as a danger to children.  

He is suing the school for discrimination and unfair dismissal. You can read the details in my post entitled, A “Terror” Sermon? There is also a link in my post to the “extremist” sermon which got him sacked.

A story in the Daily Mail brings us up to date on the latest unfortunate development.

Dr. Randall’s employment tribunal hearing scheduled to be held on Jun 14 has been delayed until September 2022! Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, which is representing Dr Randall, said: ‘Justice delayed is justice denied.’ 

Dr. Randall