Agree!! Shutdown School Propaganda Pipeline

“Queering” Education to promote Gender Identity & Expression

Mermaids (U.K.) promote the “wrong body” narrative, early social transition and say puberty blockers are fully reversible (they are not.)

This is a problem not just in the U.K.

At Grace Church School in New York City students are required to attend chapel for one hour every other week. Is that a devout, character forming thing to do?

Well…..the main attraction this past April 27 was the drag queen “Brita Filter” marketing himself as #AnythingButPure. He entered the chapel as the disco hit “I Will Survive” echoed through the nave.

“There was tons of social pressure to dance along and pretend like it was normal for sure,” one anonymous student said, “whether it be people tapping on shoulders and telling them to stand up or just a collective staring contest at whoever wasn’t totally participating.”

“Immediately upon entering there was a person handing out stickers with pride flags on them, unironically saying ‘take one or you’re homophobic.'”

One student reported that as the performer approached the altar, he was joined by more dancing students, some of them "twerking." Bringing drag into classrooms and schools has been touted by its proponents as a way to "queer" education.

"I wondered, is this really happening in a chapel?" the student said. Another observed "tons of social pressure to dance along and pretend that this was normal for church."

Source:  [Written by Paul Rossi, a teacher previously fired by Grace Church School]

Brita Filter’s social media presence is illuminating. His social media references high-risk sexual practices, including “water sports”, “fisting”, “balls deep”, “turning out”, “glory hole”, and “1. in the pink, 2. in the stink”.

If you don’t know what “fisting” or “water sports” signifies, ask someone under 40.


What Are We Doing To Our Children?

Genderizing Title IX in US Schools

Yearwood Crushing the Competition in “Her” First HS Race Against Females

Lawyer Candice Jackson has written a great piece for Genspect about how the U.S. government now interprets Title IX to cover ‘gender identity discrimination” side by side with sex discrimination.

She covers the fact that, “No, Trans Is Not Gay 2.0”. And many other important matters.

Grab graph.

Genderism inspires believers to seek a spiritual cure for the ills of ordinary human experience, by subscribing to a secularized gnostic dualism. “Born in the wrong body” and “becoming your authentic self” (at the low, low price of a lifetime of reality denial and extreme body modification) entice particularly vulnerable people to view any bodily or social discomfiture as a sign of having a “gender soul” that, when discovered and concretized through social and medical “transition,” represents a beautiful spiritual journey of self-actualization and esoteric wisdom. And because this blatantly spiritual, faith-based doctrine (pushed in a rather cultish manner by true believers) is buried under layers of pseudoscience and imitation civil rights, government officials and politicians reap the emotional benefit of feeling they are enabling the liberation of a “downtrodden minority” group. (There is no minority, and there is no group, of course, since literally anyone and everyone can claim a “gender identity” to take advantage of any of the legal and social privileges granted based on identity. This is reflected in the skyrocketing numbers of youth “identifying as LGBTQ.”)

Gender identity ideology’s historically unique capture of US law (which normally prides itself on rationality and on separation of church and state) is due to this tripartite appeal: no decent person wants to feel they are “denying the science,” nor that they are “anti-civil rights,” nor that they are judgmentally oppressing anyone’s “individual expression of their true self.” This seductive combination is allowing a functional (pseudo)religion to become ensconced in laws like Title IX. And predictably, when a government trades liberal, Enlightenment rationality for dogged pursuit of pop-culture spiritual tenets, it is women, children, and homosexuals who suffer the greatest material harms.

Read the whole thing.

Relevant post.


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion

Wise and Scrupulous

So says The Economist about the New York Times Bestseller:

Our young people are being placated in place instead of nurtured into adulthood.

I recommend you read this book. The authors wrote an afterword in the summer of 2021 to be added to the second addition but it grew so long that the publishers balked at the cost of adding it to the second addition.


You can find it on-line here. Take the time. It’s worth it.

Afterword Contents.

It has been a tough three years — for universities, for many Western democracies, and for humanity — as we all adapted to a pandemic, an economic crisis, and political turbulence. Our goal in this afterword is to share with you nine things we have learned in the last three years so that you can better understand and respond to the trends that may already be affecting your family, school, workplace, and country.

The afterword has nine sections:

  1. Gen Z’s Mental Health Continues to Deteriorate
  2. It’s Social Media—More Than Screen Time—That Matters For Mental Health
  3. Increasing Persecution on Campus
  4. The Polarization Spiral and the Great Awokening
  5. International Coddling
  6. Corporate Coddling
  7. The Role of Ed Schools
  8. K-12 and the Battle Over Antiracism 3.0
  9. Conclusion: Eternal Wisdom


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion