Midwest Teachers Conspire To Deceive Parents About Their ‘Transitioning’ Kids.

Dozens of teachers from the Midwest met online to discuss how to help trans students change gender at school without their parents knowing. They talked about new laws on gender and identity and how to be ‘subversive’ and ‘hide’ a student’s new name and gender from their parents.

The conspiracy occurred at a workshop funded by the federal government.

Kimberly Martin, a Michigan educator, said they’re “working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can’t be seen by the parents.” Jennifer Haglund of Iowa said her “code of ethics” trumps laws.

These growing tensions between parents and schools over plummeting test scores, covid closures, and keeping secrets from mom and dad about gender ‘transition’ will further fuel the school choice movement in America.

The Daily Mail has the full story.

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School Choice For Parents & Students

If ‘Banned’ Books Are Harmless, Joe Biden Should Read Them to Kids

Excellent commentary on this subject by David Harsanyi.

Begins like this…

Editor’s note: The following material contains explicit references and may be offensive to some.

Joe Biden recently hosted a Pride Month event for families with LGBTQ kids on the White House South Lawn. Ahead of the event, he announced that he’ll appoint a “banned book” czar whose job it will be to try to compel local communities to stock their libraries with race-obsessed pseudohistories and books depicting oral sex, rape, violence, and gender dysphoria.

Now, if that sounds like an unfair description, there’s an easy way for the president to debunk his critics: He can read selected outtakes from some of these “innocuous” books to prepubescent kids like those who showed up to the event.

Even better, he can do it on TV. After all, “book banning erodes our democracy,” says White House Domestic Policy Adviser Neera Tanden, and “removes vital resources for student learning, and can contribute to the stigma and isolation that many communities face.”

Perhaps the White House could set up a themed reading circle on the South Lawn where the president can recite selections from “Lawn Boy,” which describes 10-year-old boys performing oral sex on each other. It is, after all, on PEN America’s Index of School Book Bans. (PEN America is an advocacy group that promotes freedom of speech for writers.)

The School Library Journal praises “Lawn Boy” as an exploration of “race, sexual identity, and the crushing weight of American capitalism.”

Read the rest.

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Parents, Stand Up For Your Children