Schools let children identify as horses, dinosaurs… and a moon
An extraordinary report from a Sussex school has shed light on the growing trend of pupils insisting on being addressed as animals
Difficult as it may be to believe, children at a school in East Sussex were reprimanded last week for refusing to accept a classmate’s decision to self-identify as a cat….
Any adult who participates in a child identifying as a cat is colluding and enabling the dehumanisation of this child. Don't do it.
Eye opening report by a parent of a student attending an Elementary Public School in Ontario province.
Display at the door of Grade 2 (age 7) daughter’s classroom. [click image to enlarge]
I’m a parent at an Elementary-aged Public School in York Region District in Ontario.
Sometime at the end of February, without parents’ knowledge, the school invited Canadian Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity to give a workshop on gender diversity and queer identity to students from Grade 5 to 8. The title and content of this workshop and by what organization were all vague. Some parents heard something from their children but no one had a clue what happened.
Until March 1st.
At the school parents council meeting, while the school showed previous activities at the school, I noticed this workshop for Grade 5 to 8 and asked what it was about and if parents’ consent were obtained. The Principal stated that this topic falls under the Human Rights code, thus parents acknowledgement or consent are not required. Two other council members stated that they wanted to be educated on the same topic so parents can help promote gender equity. The school thought it would be a great idea to bring in speakers to give a gender diversity session to parents. On April 21, the school sent out the following invitation to all parents at the school:
Nine and ten year olds in a Washington State Elementary School get an eye-opening and confusing lesson about sex and gender.
Podcaster Brandi Kruse reported on a sex education lesson provided to fourth and fifth grade students at Lincoln Elementary School on May 9, 2023. The lesson included over 40 images of different drawings of male and female genitalia. Another page from the lesson shows what children may need during puberty. One item is listed as “puberty blockers.” One page has a “gender wheel” that shows children they can be transgender and pick their pronouns. Examples of identities on this wheel include “drag king,” “boyish girl,” and “femme boy.” The word “tree” is also listed as a pronoun. The page for the wheel states:
You can keep your understanding of bodies, gender and pronouns as dancing and alive and current as possible. This means knowing about lots of different kinds of people and including every body as a normal part of your regular, everyday life.