Experts Dispute US Gender Transition Methods

An article titled “21 International Experts Dispute Prevailing US Gender Transition Methods” published by The Epoch Times on July 15, 2023, discusses the concerns raised by 21 clinicians and researchers from nine countries regarding the current treatment methods for gender dysphoria in the United States. These experts argue that the best available evidence does not support the use of sex-change procedures, particularly for minors. They criticize the Endocrine Society’s endorsement of hormone treatments that block puberty in minors, stating that the evidence for mental health benefits from such interventions is of low or very low certainty.

The experts’ concerns were prompted by the Endocrine Society’s criticism of an op-ed that questioned a federal court ruling which struck down an Arkansas law banning sex-change procedures for minors. The court ruling relied on the Endocrine Society’s guidelines, which are based on low-quality evidence and influenced by transgender activists.

In response to these criticisms, the Endocrine Society’s president, Dr. Stephen Hammes, defended the guidelines, stating they were developed through a rigorous process and based on extensive evidence. He argued that more than 2000 studies since 1975 show that gender-affirming care improves the well-being of transgender and gender-diverse people and reduces the risk of suicide.

However, the group of international experts disputes this claim, stating that the best available evidence does not support the assertion that sex-change procedures improve well-being. They argue that the risks of such procedures, which include sterility, lifelong dependence on medication, and regret, are significant, while the benefits are very low.

They also contradict the claim that gender transition reduces suicides, stating that there is no reliable evidence to support this, and call for medical societies to align their recommendations with the best available evidence, cautioning against exaggerating benefits and minimizing risks.

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We’re Not Going Away: My Response to the New York Times Hit Piece

Our numbers will soon be too large for the New York Times to dismiss as a “few stories of regret.”

So says Detransitioner Chloe Cole in her response to a recent NY Times article about her.

Yesterday, New York Times reporter Maggie Astor published a hit piece about me in an attempt to undermine my story and the testimonies of other detransitioners. Now that I’ve had some time to process everything more completely, I’d like to address some of the inaccuracies and falsehoods that Astor wrote about me—beginning with the disingenuous title, “How a Few Stories of Regret Fuel the Push to Restrict Gender Transition Care.” 

I take issue with Astor’s flagrant use of the word “regret,” which implies a benign mistake like a bad tattoo—something I wasn’t even allowed to get until I turned 18 last year. No, I was a child when I was misinformed and misled by adults, who convinced me to permanently alter my body. 

I learned through social media when I was 11 about boys and girls being trapped in the “wrong body”—an impossibility that should never have been “affirmed” by doctors. I was told by health professionals whom I trusted that I had a medical condition that required medical treatment. Not only that, but my parents were emotionally manipulated by being presented with a false dilemma—“would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?”—despite the fact that suicidality is routinely overexaggerated in trans-identified youth.

Astor relies on the euphemism “transition care” when she means “chemical and surgical sex change services.” This is neither medically necessary nor lifesaving, but rather elective, cosmetic, and experimental.


Read the whole thing.

I’m a Classic Christian and think Gender Ideology is anti-creational to the core. This blog is about “God’s Good Creation.” That’s why I’m writing about Gender Ideology. And “speaking up” as I’m confident Jesus would.

"Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female.'" [Matt 19:4]

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The Natchez by Delacroix – 1835
Oil on Canvas
Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art


Love Refuses To Affirm Confusion