After 7 days of social transition, a middle aged polymer chemist comes out as Emily. No cross-sex hormones. No gender reassignment surgery. Nothing more required than self-ID‘ing as a transgender (denim mini, green tight wearing) woman. A ‘woman’ who now may enter female spaces and take a selfie.
UK Children’s Commissioner to review ‘horrendous’ and age-inappropriate sex education teaching.
MP Miriam Cates, who sits on the committee, said constituents had written to her raising concerns over 'a nine-year-old coming home, shaking, white as a sheet, because they've been taught in detail about rape'.
She said one parent in her constituency had been 'distraught' that her six-year-old had been taught about masturbation in school.
Ms Cates said that encouraging pupils to talk about intimate details with adults made them more 'available' and 'susceptible' to sexual predators.
In the debate, she said contracting out RSE teaching to external providers created a 'Wild West scenario' when it came to teaching the topic.
Source: Daily Mail
Age-appropriate education standards and laws are being written in many U.S. states. This issue is not isolated to the U.K. All of this ties into the Gender Activists agenda as well. Teaching young children that sex is on a spectrum, or that there are more than two sexes is happening in our schools today.
When most parents do not believe those assertions.
Researchers found that 17 (12.2%) of the participants persisted in their gender dysphoria, and the remaining 122 (87.8%) desisted. 82 (63.6%) of the participants were ascertained to be bisexual or gay and 43 (33.3%) were heterosexual. The remaining 4 (3.1%) reported no sexual fantasies.
One of the scientists, Kenneth J. Zucker, Ph.D., adolescent and child psychologist and chair of the DSM-5 Work Group on Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders was discussed in an early post last year.
This is why “watchful waiting” was always the preferred method until recently. But if you suggest that today you might be accused of trying to practice Conversion Therapy.
Today, clinicians advise social transition, then puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones at earlier ages. There will be no turning back, no desisting from that. The only options will be either to continue identifying as the opposite sex/gender OR become a Detransitioner after having done irreversible harm to your body.