The Goal To Strip Parents of Opt-Out Rights

This is a significant breach of trust and parental rights.


  • Lisa Shelby, HiTOPS Executive Director: “There’s a mandate for racial justice and inclusivity… sometimes that’s how we get through.”
  • Hannah Wiers, HiTOPS Health Educator: “So … a note would get sent home and say… ‘next week we’re talking about anatomy, or you know, gender identity.’ And a parent could send a form back saying, ‘you have to pull my child.’ And so… I think our real goal would be to make sure that that opt out doesn’t exist.”
  • Hannah Wiers, HiTOPS Health Educator: “They all have school-issued…laptops… which can be nice because then they can send out…a google form. Like, remind me what name you like to be called. Remind me what pronouns you like to use.” Journalist: “So you send it directly… to the student, not the parent.” Wiers: “That’s what we encourage staff to do, yes.”


Critical Race Theory & Identitarianism

I haven’t written much about Critical Race Theory, but there are links in a ‘critical theory chain’ between early-to-mid 20th century Marxists and today’s Gender Ideologues.

You should read an excellent article on this by Law Professor Robert P. George of Princeton University.

Perspective: Are classrooms exchanging MLK’s dream for identity politics?

Some are dividing our world into two categories: persecutors and the persecuted. Reality is much more complex

What is being taught in many schools today is not critical race theory, if by “critical race theory” one means the writings of Bell, Delgado, Matsuda, Williams and others who developed this approach to law.

In fact, students are not given a formal “theory” of anything at all. But they are encouraged to view the world in a certain way — they are being taught to be identitarians — that is, to treat racial or gender identities as central to who they, themselves, and other people are. And this teaching is often justified in the name of “anti-racism.”


Spotlight: De-Transitioning

Is Australia finally waking up?

In a recent episode of 7NEWS Spotlight, the producers dissect the surge in child and adolescent gender transitions in Australia. The story unveils a series of poignant personal journeys of transition and de-transition. Individuals like Courtney, Chloe, and Mel recount their turbulent voyages through gender dysphoria, influenced significantly by online communities and hasty medical interventions.

The gender-affirmation model — a system that readily accepts children’s self-identified genders — is scrutinized.

In the eye of a gathering storm surrounding the treatment of young individuals grappling with gender dysphoria, Dr. Jillian Spencer and Dr. Dylan Wilson emerge as vociferous critics of the prevailing affirmation model. Dr. Spencer, once a part of the Queensland Children’s Hospital, faced suspension for questioning the rapid categorization of children as transgender without delving into potential underlying issues. She warns against the irreversible repercussions of hastily prescribed hormone treatments. Dr. Wilson amplifies these concerns, criticizing what he perceives as a medical scandal. He advocates for a more comprehensive approach to understanding the distress experienced by these young individuals, dismissing claims that transition treatments invariably reduce suicide risks. Both medical professionals underscore a pressing need for a paradigm shift in the treatment of gender dysphoria, urging a more cautious, well-rounded approach to prevent potential future regrets and health complications.

The episode takes 54 minutes, but it’s worth your time.
