DeTransitioner, TullipR, Trans OCD & Internet Addiction

A grim story from Detransitioner, TullipR. How I Got Here: Trans OCD & Internet Addiction

The Internet is a major driver in propelling the obsession that someone is trans, this is true for me and is also true for many other detransitioners. It permits us to discount all our past hurts, whilst simultaneously allowing us to rewrite our own history in the name of gender dysphoria. This in itself is an obsession for many, but not all. And it’s no accident that many of the big-name detransitioners talked about discovering online communities that fuelled the fixation on gender dysphoria.

Full Story Here.

The Reddit online community of Detransitioners now sits at 32.2k and growing rapidly. I suspect this is just the beginning. What are we doing to our young people?


Feminist Facing Up to Three Years in Prison Over Tweets

Christina Ellingsen Is Under Investigation In Norway

In a Tweet she questioned the belief that men (biological males) could be lesbians. Police are investigating because in January 2021 Norway introduced “gender identity” into their hate crime policy. And now women are being persecuted for stating biological facts.

Full Story here.

"I am under police investigation for campaigning for women’s rights, because to certain groups, the fact that women and girls are female and that men cannot be women, girls, mothers or lesbians, is considered hateful,” Ellingsen told Reduxx. 

"Women are not protected against hate speech in Norway, but men who claim to be both lesbian and a woman, are protected both on the grounds of gender identity and on the grounds of sexual orientation,” Ellingsen said. 

"The fact that police are legally able to investigate and persecute women who engage in women’s rights is concerning. This is new territory in Norway, so the outcome of the investigation is important, both if the case is dismissed and if it leads to trial.”

In 2021, a Norwegian man was sentenced to 21 days in prison and a fine of 15,000NRK after being found guilty of “insulting” and “misgendering” a trans-identified male on Facebook.

Is this the world we want to live in?


Designed At Birth, Not “Assigned At Birth”

Bodies born with the anatomy in the pictures below are indisputably female bodies. If you don’t have this potential reproductive capacity because a disorder keeps your body from functioning normally then you are still a valued female.

If you are born with none of these potential capacities, this means you are a valued male. And that will never change. No matter how much you desire that change. Of course, humans are more than just their reproductive capacities. But they are not less.

This is bedrock folks. And we build from there.

Women Are Amazing

We must always tell what we see. Above all, and this is more difficult, we must always see what we see.

Charles Pequy


Love Refuses to Affirm Confusion